Been messing around with lighttpd and php and while I did eventually manage to get it working I have questions about a few things.
Initially I installed just lighttpd, I set up my doc-root directory in /var/www/htdocs with the config file in /var/www/lighttpd.conf. Chowned htdocs to nobody:nogroup, and used the .conf file that was suggested in the lighttpd 'info' panel. That worked fine.
Then I loaded the php5 package, cribbing the conf entries from the php5 'info' panel. In this case lighttpd wouldn't start complaining that it couldn't find the socket file '/tmp/php.socket-0'. And, indeed, it seems no socket file gets created for some reason. (I should mention that in all cases I invoked lighttpd via sudo).
What did finally work was setting up my doc-root in my home directory (/home, not /home/tc) and I used the .conf file that robc posted elsewhere in this forum.
My first question is why doesn't php work from the /var/www doc-root but it does from /home?
Secondly, it seems robc's config file does not use the server.username or server.groupname directives which means lighttpd not only starts up as root but continues to run as such. Isn't that a no-no?
On xubuntu, lighttpd (+php) behaved more as I expected so I'm guessing there's something about TinyCore's operating environment that's causing these distortions?
In the TC environment I'm thinking there might be a small advantage to doc-rooting out of /home in that I don't have to fuss with the .filetool.lst file. But if anyone has managed to get lighttpd+php to run "conventionally" (from /var/..., run as non-root) I'd like to hear how you did it.