Tiny Core Base > Final Releases
Core v4.7
I am pleased to announce the release of Core 4.7.
Change Log:
* Updated ondemand to suport scm extensions and icons from both tcz and scm.
* Updated wbar - to support scm ondemand icons.
* Updated scmapps GUI for new ondemand maintenace and download option.
* Updated scm-load - new option -wo ondemand download.
* Updated tc-functions - added new support functions.
* Updated scm to interface to updated scmaps GUI.
* New scm-run to support scriptable load and launch scm style extensions.
* Updated filetool - New GUI access to ,filetool.lst, .xfiletool.lst, and backup options.
* Updated filetool.sh to interface to updated filetool GUI.
* Updated apps GUI - New Check Onboot Unneeded and changes required by ondemand scm support.
* New chkonboot.sh for cli Core only use.
* Updated tce-setup for consistency in handling onboot.lst and scmlist.lst.
* Updated loadcpufreq to allow blacklisting.Note: Requires new wbar.tcz and Xprogs.tcz (apps, scmapps, filetool) now available in the repository.
Note: Having both scm and tcz in ondemand means changes to tcz ondemand:
* All ondemand items both scm and tcz will be available in the ondemand menu for supported window managers.
* From ondemand menu, item will be loaded and if specified by a freedesktop item will also be launched. The regular menu item and icon, if any, will be updated and displayed.
* Subsequent launching of the item will be via the regular menu or displayed icon.
* Subsequent ondemand menu selection for an scm item will unmount and remove the regular menu item, and associated icon if any.
* Subsequent ondemand menu selection for a tcz will produce no action, use regular menu item or icon.
* All ondemand items need to be re-created for the new format.
Note: Be sure to update dependencies for recent change in fltk library name.
Thank you very much!
I REALLY like how it gets better each time it gets a new release!
I just started a "web desktop" to be accessed and able to configure Core from any browser... Is there some time to submit it to the next release? Or Core use some kind of "freeze" for the new stuff of the next releases?
Thanks again to all Core Team!
(and sorry by my english)
hi roberts,
in my testing the last release proved to be bugfree, stable and so easy to use than ever.
there is a small observation i want to report.
in former releases the loading of big scm-packages f.e. libreoffice ondemand took around 100% cpu.
in the current release less than 30% cpu is used during the ondemand loading and i think it takes some more time (but i´m not sure)...
perhaps this could be seen as an advantage, to load with less cpu?
afterwards the loaded ondemand scm is so fast as a flash of lightning.
but nevertheless, the current usage of scms improved so far ahead that i see it as a milestone:
easy to handle, a great tool set that is lean and clean in the very last consequence.
... and at the end it even offers so much fun to use it :)
keep on that way, thank you!
is there any rule on updates to classic and scm- packages ? are they eventually going to be updated simultaneously? are some packages going to be scm-only ?
right now scm's in general seem more up to date, compared to classic packages, and i'd hate to hop back and forth between tcz and scm to have more up to date setup (especially libreoffice).
--- Quote from: Zendrael on November 01, 2012, 05:34:20 PM ---Thank you very much!
I REALLY like how it gets better each time it gets a new release!
I just started a "web desktop" to be accessed and able to configure Core from any browser... Is there some time to submit it to the next release? Or Core use some kind of "freeze" for the new stuff of the next releases?
Thanks again to all Core Team!
(and sorry by my english)
--- End quote ---
There is no timeline for next release. During early stages releases were every 4 to 6 weeks. Now since the project is mature releases are not nearly as often. There has been only 6 point releases this year. If you have ideas use TCB Talk or if you have code use the programming and scripting areas to seed.
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