This embeded licence mechanism is new Adobe Access feature and probably included "Yle areena" licende policy 2012. Licece is embedded on video/HTLM stream.
Pre-generating and embedding licenses
Last updated 8/26/2011
Embedding licenses
Once content has been encrypted and a license has been pre-generated, the license may be embedded into the encrypted content.
To embed a license, obtain an instance of If you know the type of the encrypted content, use the constructor for FLVKeyMetaDataUpdater or F4VKeyMetaDataUpdater; otherwise, use MediaProcessorFactory.getMediaProcessor() to return an instance based on the file type detected. Construct a KeyMetaDataCallback and invoke modifyKeyMetaData(). Your callback implementation will be invoked when the DRM metadata is located in the encrypted content. Based on the metadata found, you can choose a license to embed and set the license using EmbedLicenseKeyMetaData.setEmbeddedLicenses().
For sample code demonstrating embedded licenses, see com.adobe.flashaccess.samples.licenseembedder.EmbedLicense in the Reference Implementation Command Line Tools “Samples” directory.
Note: Flash Access 2.0 clients will ignore any licenses embedded in the content and will attempt to obtain a license from the license server specified in the metadata. However, if the metadata indicates that no license server is available, a Flash Access 2.0 client will need to upgrade to view the content.
See “Out-of-band Licenses” on page 7.