Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing

Core v4.7rc3

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The thrid release candidate of Core 4.7 is ready for public testing:

Change Log: RC1

    Updated filetool - New GUI access to ,filetool.lst, .xfiletool.lst, and backup options.
    Updated filetool.sh to interface to updated filetool GUI.
    Updated ondemand to suport scm extensions.
    Updated scmapps GUI for new ondemand maintenace.
    Updated scm to interface to updated scmaps GUI
    Updated apps GUI - New Check Onboot Unneeded and changes required by ondemand scm support.
    New chkonboot.sh for cli Core only use.
    Updated tce-setup for consistency in handling onboot.lst and scmlist.lst, dropped .scm from scmlist.lst items.

Note: Requires new Xprogs.tcz (apps, scmapps, filetool) also in the rc testing area until final release.

Change Log RC2:

    Updated loadcpufreq to allow blacklisting
    Fixed reported issues with OnBoot checking
    Fixed reported issues with OnDemand scm launching
    Updated apps and scmaps GUI to support relative path.
    Updated wbar as required for new OnDemand structure

Change Log RC3"

* New scm-run
* Updated scmapps - new OnDemand download option.
* Updated scm-load - new option -wo ondemand download
* Updated tc-functions - added new support functions
* Updated ondemand - now supports icons from both tcz and scm
* Updated wbar - to support on demand icons
* Updated Apps GUI - Check OnBoot Unneeded added "Scan complete" message
* Updated filetool GUI - added directory support and enhanced tab labels

Note: Requires new wbar.tcz and Xprogs.tcz (apps, scmapps, filetool) also in the rc testing area until final release.

Having both scm and tcz in ondemand means changes to tcz ondemand. Specifically, icons would only be
displayed when extensions are loaded. All ondemand items both scm and tcz will be available in the ondemand menu.
From ondemand menu, item will be loaded and if specified by a freedesktop item will also be launched.
Then the regular menu item and icon, if any, will be updated and displayed. Subsequent launching of the item
will be via the regular menu or displayed icon. Subsequent ondemand menu selection for an scm item will
unmount,  remove the regular menu item, and associated icon if any. Subsequent ondemand menu selection
for a tcz will produce no action, use regular menu item or icon.

All ondemand items need to be re-created for the new format.

hi roberts,

i tested all discussed items of the rc3 and i can confirm their flawlessness for my configuration.

i'm very happy with that scm-run option and i see your new scm-infrastructure as a real enhancement.

there is still a tiny, little bug:
in the scm-gui ondemand maintenance the delete function doesn't work for me,
that means that i cannot delete a scm-ondemand-item with the help of the gui.

but never mind, it's so tiny that it can wait.
thank you for the recent improvements.

i successfully included my libreoffice-shortcut strg-alt-o in my actkbd.conf
and everything works as expected :) :
29+56+24:key:exec:su tc -c -l "scm-run libreoffice3.6" &

hi roberts,

i guess you did it on purpose:
in the last cuts you showed some more informations during the backup-process in the backup-gui.
i guess you showed the size of the different files and at the end the total size of the compressed backup.
i think that was a informative feature and it could be useful for some occasions...
is the overhead too big?
or are there other reasons that you changed it?

thank you for your help.


--- Quote from: netnomad on October 18, 2012, 01:01:53 AM ---hi roberts,

i tested all discussed items of the rc3 and i can confirm their flawlessness for my configuration.

i'm very happy with that scm-run option and i see your new scm-infrastructure as a real enhancement.

there is still a tiny, little bug:
in the scm-gui ondemand maintenance the delete function doesn't work for me,
that means that i cannot delete a scm-ondemand-item with the help of the gui.

but never mind, it's so tiny that it can wait.
thank you for the recent improvements.

--- End quote ---

I have not been able to reproduce. The OnDemand maintenance delete button removes both ondemand items, script and icon (if any).

I want to fix this before final release.

If you run scmapps from an xterm does it display any error?


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