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linux question - What are the rules regarding user names in the "group" file?
When the "group" file does not contain any user name entries does that mean any user can be in any group?
As in tc group file:
--- Code: ---root:x:0:
--- End code ---
Conversely, if user names are entered for a group does that mean only those user names can be associated with that group.
As in:
--- Code: ---root:x:0:
--- End code ---
Where tc is the only user associated with group staff. Are there any other rules of interest?
--- Quote ---When the "group" file does not contain any user name entries does that mean any user can be in any group?
--- End quote ---
Not exactly, but afaik this part is:
--- Quote ---any user can be in any group
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---if user names are entered for a group does that mean only those user names can be associated with that group.
--- End quote ---
No, there are primary groups (see /etc/passwd)
There are probably better explanations of these files in full... if more details are needed
I wanted user nobody to be in group staff in addition to nogroup so I added it and user tc to the group file staff group entry (staff:x:50:tc,nobody).
I created a folder test owned by user nobody group staff. Here's the strange part - when logged in as user tc a "cd" to the test directory is denied. I get the message "can't cd to test" If I change the permissions from 666 to 676 then I can access the directory. What the heck is going on?
You have to have exec permission to enter a directory.
--- Quote from: jpeters on May 04, 2009, 09:39:12 PM ---You have to have exec permission to enter a directory.
--- End quote ---
Wow after all these years of playing around with linux and I never knew that?
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