dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10
Import Debian Wheezy Armhf Packages
Thanks for reporting import -o. I have fixed this for next cut.
You should be able to use the ondemand command to add an item, e.g.,
$ ondemand rdesktop
FYI On arm platform, you will get better results with a light weight browser, e.g. midori.
If you are a vi fan, I find I get the best results with dwb.
I believe iceweasel is the "firefox" supported in Debian Wheezy.
Midori, dwb, and iceweasel all are known to work via an easy import.
Thanks for the heads up on the performance issues. I'll try your suggestions.
What's the easiest way to "uninstall" firefox now that I have downloaded it?
HUGE KUDO's to all involved in this project. I have been playing with rdesktop imported from Debian and it seems pretty solid. My next step is to get printing and Erlang working and I am a very happy camper.
To delete an sce is simply...
rm /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/firefox.sce
You should also check that is it not in sceboot.lst
vi /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sceboot.lst
And finally, in case you added it to the ondemand directory.
rm /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/ondemand/firefox
Great, thanks.
If I understand this correctly the solution suggests that the import process packages all files and dependencies into a single "executable" (.sce file). This also suggests that removing the .sce file automatically also cleans up unused dependencies so you are not left with a lot of unused files. I hope this is the case because I would really like that. There is an obvious space trade off but considering the minuscule OS core and the frugal nature of the whole install I think that would be a small price to pay.
This would be different to the other operating system which has a central core of all dependencies that are shared across all executables.
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