dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10

Import Debian Wheezy Armhf Packages

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--- Quote from: sbp on January 01, 2013, 04:44:27 PM ---Fantastic, looking forward to try that.
How did you do, did you use the import script?

--- End quote ---

No, I'm not using import script or any alian applications. ALSA stack is built from source on Pi.

Just for kicks, while testing my next iteration of the import suite, I imported moc on the Allwinner.
It works great. I am listening to my collection of mp3s while typing this is on the dwb browser.  8)

More progress on next iteration of the import suite.
Mplayer imports and plays videos smoothly with sound. Tested on my A10 set top box.
I can now play the two new videos that Curaga and Brian recently posted!  8)

Posting this from Allwinner A10 tablet running Tiny Core with wireless and using dwb browser.
All imports.

Updated import.tcz is now available for the Allwinner port.

Change log:
* import directory is now official and is auto created under the tcedir
* debian package master index is maintained via zsync for faster and much improved import results
* modules and libs are better support for extensions.
* reduced redundancy for scanning and downloading packages.
* Support for import scripts. Import scripts create or merge with startup script, .i.e., postinst
* import program supports -i and -b after testing, i.e., import without flags, test run from import directory, and then run import again with flags, only the copy/merge to tce/optional will occur.

See the new updated README for a sample use and discussion of import:

These changes should provide for a much improved import experience from the vast Debian repository.

Updated import suite. Added the capability to do foreign imports.

You can use x86 Core with import suite to import for arm targets.
Example from x86 Core:

import nano armv7

Will create a nano directory under import directory containing the nano extension for armv7hf

This will be helpful for those needing to get wireless extensions on a device that does not have wired network support. As such needed extensions can be obtained from x86 machine while downloading and preparing the Core arm image.


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