dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10

Import Debian Wheezy Armhf Packages

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A thank-you to hlavery. He has been helping test and even pushing the import scripts to their limits.
Even importing xorg. He got X started too and shared this with me.
Since then, I now have the basic Tiny Core X environment well underway, Xprogs, and flwm, on Allwinner devices.
This proves the concept and shows the power of import. Much tweaking still to do. Thought I would share this news.

Import has been updated to v0.3. Now supports Debian postinst scripts. This again widens the packages that are supported for import. Currently the focus is on the Allwinner, although the potential can be much wider. This is an experimental approach and at present very timely. Much still to do.

Find it on the Allwinner page:  http://code.google.com/p/tinycore-a10/downloads/list

Works perfectly and boots quickly to desktop on my Hackberry.  Pretty amazing, in all.  I'll be testing more imports, and will let you all know what happens.  Thanks!

Here is what I did to get a working TinyCore desktop on Allwinner (Hackberry):

How to assemble TinyCore for Allwinner A10 from current "parts":

(1) Download all the *.bz2 files and the *.img.gz file from the code.google.com repository site.

(2) unzip the image file (gunzip *.img.gz) and dd the image file to card (dev/foo)

(3) Create a second partition, ext3 or your preference, on the rest of the card with gparted, etc.

(4) in the ext3 partition, mkdir /tce and within it mkdir /tce/optional and /tce/ondemand

(5) unzip the other repository files (tar xjvf *.bz2) into the /tce/optional directory

(6) in /tce, touch onboot.lst

****IF and only if you are NOT using a Mele, you will need to fix a few things now.
    For a Miniand Hackberry:
     (a) dd sunxi-spl.bin and u-boot.bin for your device to the "boot" section of the card AND
     (b) copy your script.bin to the first (FAT) partition to replace the one that is there.
EDIT:    "The two "boot sector" files came from jas-hacks' work at:
              with links to the sources at
              https://github.com/linux-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi." /EDIT


(7) Put your sd card in the device and BOOT!! (into the bterm interface)

( 8 ) Load import.tcz (tce-load -i import)

(9) Have import get the Debian wheezy list:  (import setup)

(10) Import xorg (import xorg); standby to answer q to one download, wander off for awhile.

(11) There will now be a directory xorg/ ; cd into it and mv * /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional/

(12) Similarly, import hsetroot and xterm and move the resulting files to optional.

(13) Might be a good time to create mydata.tgz;  (filetool.sh -b)

(14) Edit /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/onboot.lst to load on boot:
   xorg.tcz (note lowercase x)
   Xprogs.tcz (note uppercase X)

(15) reboot, use (right click)->SystemTools->RunProgram to launch xterm,

(16) In /home/tc, uncomment xterm in .xsession; backup (filetool.sh -b)

(17) reboot...desktop plus xterm will appear.

I am posting this via the Surf browser. Imported and running on my Mele Allwinner Arm Computer!


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