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Author Topic: once nvidia drivers from Apps is installed, how do i actually start using it?  (Read 10190 times)

Offline h2sammo

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Re: once nvidia drivers from Apps is installed, how do i actually start using it?
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2012, 09:10:57 PM »
ok i got

and i did nvidia-xconfig as root from command prompt but when i use the settings it tells me i do not use nvidia as my driver. any ideaas?
Thank you for your help!

Offline Rich

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Re: once nvidia drivers from Apps is installed, how do i actually start using it?
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2012, 10:34:57 PM »
Hi h2sammo
when i use the settings it tells me i do not use nvidia as my driver.
Until you run  startx  the nvidia driver is probably not loaded.


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Re: once nvidia drivers from Apps is installed, how do i actually start using it?
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2012, 11:37:56 PM »
if you did startx and ran nvidia-settings (say from wbar icon) then you forgot to read the info file or my first post.

so to refresh,

exit to prompt
load the downloaded kernel module with command ....sudo modprobe nvidia
------if it fails to load.....try a new command ................tce-load -i nvidia-glx.tcz, then repeat load kernel module command
----extra......check its loaded with command ................lsmod | grep nvidia
Then (we are still at console prompt)  run command .....sudo nvidia-xconfig
Then run command.....startx

if x starts....clicking on the wbar icon for nvidia-settings and it  should now NOT show an error
and inxi -GX should show nvidia stuff
and command glxgears.....shows show spinning cogs

Now I suggest you redo the back up command and re-check your xorg file contents as per my first post
those 2 tczs should be in your onboot list

sorry for waffle.....but basically on reboot, you need tczs to load....and restore a xorg.conf to use the nvidia module

Maybe I should try to create a wiki on this, if my communication skills fail in words....I will try  snapshots?

good luck
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 11:39:29 PM by aus9 »


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ok from the recent posts, I can see you are too shy to report I am an idiot.....no matter

You have reported on another post that you are not getting more info from the lspci command and its my fault for not checking the database
yours is not listed.....sorry


2) And you also have attempted to load a module.You don't include the .so at the end please.

b) I am not on TC at the moment, but sometimes you swap the understem "_" and call it a hypen "-"
so try each and run  to find out which way to do it

Code: [Select]
sudo modprobe newport-drv
lsmod | grep newport (if it fails try)
sudo modprobe newport_drv
lsmod | grep newport

then you can try your xorg stuff out if nvidia fails for you

3) if you wish to pursue nvidia.....sometimes it can help others and you, if you wish to tell us what you did and what your saw or not saw etc ok?

good luck


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You haven't replied so not sure of your time zone...so forgive me for next post

nvidia wants to find proper ids from the pci.ids.gz files.....there are 2 on my system and yours is missing your extra "string"
So forgive me for not knowing if you know how to unpack/repack gz files so lets move ahead.
local user=tc


Code: [Select]
mkdir 1pci
cp /usr/local/share/pci-utils/files/pci.ids.gz ~/1pci
cd 1pci
gunzip pci.ids.gz
leafpad pci.ids (optional if you like leafpad)

I revert to a gui text editor called leafpad...use what ever you like, an easy terminal editor is nano.
Navigate to your new folder/file or use optional command to open new text file.
Now copy and paste this into your search.... 10de 
press enter to create a new line.....this is a local work-a-round so does not  need to be perfect and easier to find (or not find your new entry on reboot)
add this line so it looks like

10de  nVidia Corporation
        06e4  GF100 [GeForce GTX 465]

Now I have tried to find the G number as so far no luck. so I am basing it on the gtx 470 which is in the same family as yours showing at
supported products/ge400 series

ok so save the file
Now repack it
Code: [Select]
gzip -9 pci.ids
Now we need root powers to edit /opt/onboot.sh
and add these lines pls
/bin/cp -f /home/tc/1pci/pci.ids.gz /usr/local/share/pci-utils/files/
/bin/cp -f /home/tc/1pci/pci.ids.gz /usr/local/share

reboot with backup and test
Code: [Select]
lspci | grep VGA
if you get a string of GTX etc, your xorg attempts and nvidia attempts may be more successful

if so, you can then report your ids to http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/mods/?action=help?help=mailsubmit if you wish

good luck

if possible give feedback, if you prefer I not to try to help....no worries just say so

Offline Rich

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Hi aus9
yours is not listed.....sorry
It is listed here:
Code: [Select]
lspci -nn | grep VGAshould provide the full vendor:device ID.


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hi Rich

yes I had seen your reply on the other thread, you may not be aware that OP page one has reported
Code: [Select]
tc@box:~$ lspci | grep VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 06c4 (rev a3)

so I originally thought it was a busybox pc id issue and requested he install pci-utils, but he still seems to have an issue suggesting his ids are an issue. The TC file that I mention that comes with pci-utils also has no listing for his ids, so thats why I post my last post.

I suspect he is having trouble getting the nvidia script because nvidia-xconfig is expecting some ids
eg in running strings against that executable I can see
Code: [Select]
strings /pathway2/nvidia-xconfig (snip of results)

Section "Device"
    Identifier     "%s"
    Driver         "%s"
    VendorName     "%s"
    BoardName      "%s"
    ChipSet        "%s"
    Card           "%s"
    RamDac         "%s"
    VideoRam        %d
    BiosBase        0x%lx
    MemBase         0x%lx
    IOBase          0x%lx
    ClockChip      "%s"
    ChipId          0x%x
    ChipRev         0x%x

now to see if OP is still patient with me?

2) BTW I am happy with G number for pc ids ie GF100 as per
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 09:48:30 AM by aus9 »

Offline h2sammo

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sorry guys for not replying. i will update on this towards the weekend when i have some time. the nvidia card is on my home computer. i use TC now from work and it works just fine with vesa :).
Thank you for your help!

Offline h2sammo

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ok i load nvidia 3.0.21 then i drop to prompt and i see this
Code: [Select]
tc@box:~$ sudo modprobe nvidia
modprobe: can't load module nvidia (kernel.tclocal/drivers/video/nvidia.ko.gz): unknown symbol in module, or unknown paramete

Thank you for your help!

Offline Rich

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Hi h2sammo
Sorry, but I have to ask, are you using the Apps utility to install extensions, or are downloading them yourself
from the repository?

Offline h2sammo

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i am using the apps utility
Thank you for your help!


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this modprobe result, is this after trying out my modified pcids thing?

Offline h2sammo

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i just tried out the mods you suggested. there is an error, i will post in a second. i am now in linux mint 13 and this is the output in a terminal of the lspci command. Pplease note that  nvidia-drivers work fine under mint.
Code: [Select]
bobby@bobby-desktop ~ $ lspci | grep VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 06c4 (rev a3)

Code: [Select]
bobby@bobby-desktop ~ $  inxi -Gx
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA Device 06c4 bus-ID: 01:00.0 X.Org: 1.11.3 driver: nvidia Resolution: 1920x1080@60.0hz
           GLX Renderer: GeForce GTX 465/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 4.2.0 NVIDIA 304.51 Direct Rendering: Yes

about the mods. /opt/onboot.sh does not exist. so i added those lines you suggested to /opt/bootlocal.sh and to /mnt/sda1/tce/onboot.lst. this is what i get:
Code: [Select]
tc@box:~$ sudo inxi -Gx
Resuming in non X mode: xrandr not found. For package install advice run: inxi --recommends
Graphics:  Card: Failed to Detect Video Card!
           X-Vendor: N/A driver: tty size: 80x24 Advanced Data: N/A for root
tc@box:~$ lspci | grep VGA
lspci: Parse error at /usr/local/share/pci.ids.gz, line 5399
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 08:58:35 PM by h2sammo »
Thank you for your help!


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 ahhh this my fault for getting old. I meant bootlocal.sh which you have twigged.

ok can you copy your mint pci.ids.gz file from mint to TC and see see if that works.

So amend my suggested instructions to remove your home folder amended file and copy mint's there and then
amend bootlocal to swap ids.....I hope you are happy to try it?

b) If you can do me a favour, when you move it unpack it and post that section of the file that mentions your 465 pls?
Maybe I got the syntax wrong which is why you had an error at line 5399?

good luck