great I will post here
1) I can confirm that your tczs work for me as per,14128.0.html2) But I am reluctant to suggest any warning in info be removed not as expert. I note your warning in info file as
This extension is not compatible with Xorg-7.6 so Xorg-7.5 is recommended.
This warning according to my eyesight....I have selective eyesight and hearing....

appears for nvidia-glx but its own depends do not appear to force the user onto Xorg-7.5
Instead the dependencies of nvidia-settings.tcz include
and taking a stab in the dark, I wonder if our other friend has a bork as he has followed your xorg 7.5 info and maybe....somehow...not yet got this other dependency installed.
I have asked at that other thread what his onboot list I am in Australia, if it is relevant I might not see his list before you do.
I mention it just in case it is useful. I don't want to mention it at his post, as he has yet to reply to Rich's suggestions on whether his card matches the chipsets to that driver etc etc.
I hope you see my point. Once again.....thanks heaps for your tczs.....they work great for me
inxi -Gx
Graphics: Card: nVidia G96 [GeForce 9500 GT] bus-ID: 01:00.0
TinyCore Linux 1.11.0 driver: nvidia Resolution: 1680x1050@60.0hz
GLX Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 304.51 Direct Rendering: Yes
and my log if you wish to read it (expires in one month)