Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

Add getTime.sh to boot

<< < (4/4)


--- Code: ---root@fh:~# grep -r getTime /etc
/etc/etc/init.d/settime.sh: until /usr/bin/getTime.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
root@fh:~# grep -r settime.sh /etc
/etc/init.d/rcS: [ -z "$NORTC" ] || /etc/init.d/settime.sh &
/etc/init.d/tc-config: [ -z "$NORTC" ] || /etc/init.d/settime.sh &

--- End code ---

Thank you Hiro,  I see settime.sh  calls  getTime.sh 

will have to investigate why my time is not updated


you might experience the same problem as me, that the server does not respond most of the time, and it is only tried once.

I just sync to my local ntp server with ntpclient.tcz instead.


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