Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x


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It's probably a good idea to rollback this extension and that future packages should all contain version numbers (ie icu-4.0.tcz, icu-4.4.tcz) due to its incompatible changes.

Arslan S.:

--- Quote from: ^thehatsrule^ on May 03, 2010, 02:40:25 PM ---It's probably a good idea to rollback this extension and that future packages should all contain version numbers (ie icu-4.0.tcz, icu-4.4.tcz) due to its incompatible changes.

--- End quote ---

sure this could be done, but a better idea is to keep current and latest version as icu.tcz

That will probably just create future problems, i.e. for version 4.6.  If there's no further reasons, a rollback will be queued in.

Jason W:
Probably best to coordinate an upgrade of icu with a rebuild of it's dependent extensions so they can be updated at once rather than causing breakage.  Kind of like with Python.

Both now are now available as icu-40 and icu-44.  Corresponding .dep files were adjusted.  Please report any problems.


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