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Author Topic: ntfsprogs.tcz - mkntfs is missing  (Read 3870 times)

Offline AFK

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ntfsprogs.tcz - mkntfs is missing
« on: September 18, 2012, 06:36:21 PM »
Hi all,
ntfsprogs.tcz contains the files mkntfs and mkfs.ntfs but they are both symlinks that point to each other or mkntfs points to itself. As I understand it mkntfs is supposed to be a binary file and mkfs.ntfs is supposed to to be the symlink which points to it.
I found this out because :

sudo mkntfs -Q /dev/sda1

results in a too many symlinks error.
A fix for this would be greatly appreciated.

In short, it would seem that the ntfsprogs.tcz is missing mkntfs.

Sorry, also. What the hell is wrong with this forum anti-spam overkill. Sorry, you are not allowed to post external links. On every message compose page when using the code tag from the wysiwyg editor. No external links in the message. wtf?


Offline gerald_clark

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Re: ntfsprogs.tcz - mkntfs is missing
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 07:07:48 PM »
Watch your language.
You would not think the antispam is overkill if you were one of the moderators who spent hours every day removing spam.

You are incorrect.
/usr/local/sbin/mkntfs and /usr/local/sbin/mkfs.ntfs are both symlinks to binaries in /tmp/tcloop/ntfsprogs/usr/local/sbin.

Offline AFK

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Re: ntfsprogs.tcz - mkntfs is missing
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2012, 01:53:41 AM »
Watch your language.
Thanks for the warm welcome. Not sure if you are trolling or just rude..

FYI I have been a moderator on a forum. That is why I am telling you that your anti-spam methods are over kill. I would have been willing to offer guidance before I received your post as a reply.
I should have realized by the amount of measures here, that you are trying to deter users so that you do not have to post as much or do much moderation.

You are incorrect.
/usr/local/sbin/mkntfs and /usr/local/sbin/mkfs.ntfs are both symlinks to binaries in /tmp/tcloop/ntfsprogs/usr/local/sbin.
No. After downloading the .tcz again and mounting instead of extracting the archive, both are now binary files which solves my issue.

I was kind of half expecting a reply in such a manner but hoping not. Big mistake on my part for even joining this forum. I suggest you delete my account as I don't have interest in communicating with you further. Good day sir. I hope you find a way to lighten up.

Offline althalus

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Re: ntfsprogs.tcz - mkntfs is missing
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2012, 02:28:35 AM »
Thanks for the warm welcome. Not sure if you are trolling or just rude..
Phrases like "What the hell is wrong with..." can easily be misinterpreted when the typical visual and tonal clues we're used to are missing (which you should well be aware of, as a moderator).
No. After downloading the .tcz again and mounting instead of extracting the archive, both are now binary files which solves my issue.
That sounds like you're doing something wrong, or in a totally non-standard fashion. TC should be loading the extensions for you, rather than you having to mess with the extensions directly. Did you try using the app browser, or the command line tools (tce-load etc) that are intended for loading extensions?

I was kind of half expecting a reply in such a manner but hoping not. Big mistake on my part for even joining this forum. I suggest you delete my account as I don't have interest in communicating with you further. Good day sir. I hope you find a way to lighten up.
That right there doesn't help your cause. One bad experience and you're done with the entire community? Seriously dude. And to be fair, your initial post didn't really include much information for anyone to go on regarding how you came to the results you did.

Offline Rich

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Re: ntfsprogs.tcz - mkntfs is missing
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2012, 09:59:58 AM »
Watch your language.
Thanks for the warm welcome. Not sure if you are trolling or just rude..
Re-read the last paragraph in your original post. Pay attention to the expletive you used to end that paragraph
and maybe you will understand gerald_clarks response.
FYI I have been a moderator on a forum.
Then you understand better than most about enforcing a forums rules, like:
15. Keep it respectful

I suggest you delete my account as I don't have interest in communicating with you further.
You are free to do that yourself should you so wish. Or you could spend some time on the home page, FAQs,
and Wiki to learn a little about Tinycore and how it differs from a standard Linux install to see if it is really right
for your needs. Should you have a change of heart, you are welcome to politely post any questions you may have.