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Author Topic: How to start qemu? (Download + load done with apps)  (Read 5339 times)

Offline floppy

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How to start qemu? (Download + load done with apps)
« on: September 02, 2012, 08:10:51 AM »
I made today:
- upgrade to 4.6 (and reboot)
- download load qemu-extra
Since there is no qemu icon appearing in wbar, I go to a terminal an put "qemu" but nothing happens, just "sh: qemu: not found".
With "apps" I can put qemu "on-demand", but when I click qemu, nothing happens.
So, how to start qemu?

Same issue with unetbootin. Its Downloaded + loaded, but no Icon and the command "unetbootin" dont work. And no start with unetbootin as "on demand"

I made a test with filezilla. There is everything fine. I will delete qemu and reload to see if it works.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 09:08:23 AM by floppy »
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Offline roberts

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Re: How to start qemu? (Download + load done with apps)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2012, 09:59:47 AM »
Since you downloaded qemu-extra I believe you need to specify which architecture you are emulating.
Example:  qemu-system-i386 -cdrom TinyCore-4.6.iso -m 512

As for unetbootin, since it is a GUI, I am surprised that its maintainer did not fully setup it up to launch from menu and icon..
Actually its binary is called unetbootin-linux-576 !
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 10:12:34 AM by roberts »
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Re: How to start qemu? (Download + load done with apps)
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2012, 10:24:23 AM »
Upstream qemu has removed the previous symlink "qemu"  to qemu-system-i386, and said distros should not recreate that link.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline floppy

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Re: How to start qemu? (Download + load done with apps)
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2012, 04:10:47 PM »
how do you start
- qemu
- unetbootin
since these programms as "on demand" dont start ?
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
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Samsung NC10 boot from SD card port (via USB reader)
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Offline roberts

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Re: How to start qemu? (Download + load done with apps)
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2012, 06:20:37 PM »
There is no binary file by the name qemu you must type out which binary to use.
At the system prompt type qemu- and then press tab to see all the versions that qemu can emulate.

There is no binary named unetbootin. I already posted that the binary for unetbootin is unetbootin-linux-576
Since unetbootin has a single binary and is a GUI program you should ask the package maintainer to fix it!

If the ondemand item is a GUI it should have a menu and/or an icon.
Many CLI utilities that are placed in ondemand are only loaded and not started.
Often issuing a hash-r at the system prompt will update your search PATH.
In fact, I have now added hash -r to be included with each ondemand item created. It will be in the next cut.
However, that is not the issue that you are facing. Qemu has many binaries none of which is named qemu and unetbootin is not up to extension stanadrds and should be fixed.
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Re: How to start qemu? (Download + load done with apps)
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2012, 01:31:25 AM »
OBJECTIVE: Using QEMU on a Linux Box (Tiny Core of course), to boot an ISO (or image - wasn't sure when I started) that contained the same files as a Windows 2000 Professional Setup CD and could work with other Windows OS (XP, Vista etc.) and save the QEMU hard disk that has a full "Windows Installation" on it so I can test an installation process (Tiny Core of course) of a Live Linux distro (bootable USB with Linux on it) in a Windows environment without having to turn on a slow, infected, power-hungry W2K laptop (I live off the grid and power consumption is a key)

SITUATION - SOLVED after 24 hours of non-stop hades trying every combination of mkisofs, grub, bart, floppy boot disk image downloads - third-party utilities - name it - been there...

Starting with a Trashed/Scratched Bootleg Backup Windows 2000 CD (made from my own authentic master that was also scratched)
and a half dozen missing/corrupt files like the 50MB DRIVER.CAB (crucial) which I managed to go fish off a working W2K laptop.

Note in most cases below CAPS are used strictly to highlight a command, but actually lower case was the rule unless specified in (parenthesis)

1. With Linux, built the folder structure /mnt/sda3/w2k/rawcd

2. TCE loaded WINE to give me a Windows 32 bit environment. Tried DOS BOX but it wasn't quite enough.

3. Went to my folder above with a terminal and using the command WINE CMD gave me a Z: drive (real space) and C: drive (virtual space in the ~/.wine area

4. On the C: (DOS/Windows) drive I also built a C:\rawcd folder. You'll need a bit of ram to do that - I have 3Gig

5. Popped in my Windows Setup CD and went to that folder with Linux - /mnt/sr0 - and then ran WINE CMD again
So now I had 2 WINE DOS/Windows open - the Z: drive (sda3) and another Z: drive (sr0) in a different linux terminal. My objective was to be able to easily shuttle data off the CD to the dos C: RAWCD folder, then to the Linux SDA3 drive for permanence.
So far I had less than 60 seconds into this and the xcopy's below took barely 3 minutes

6. In Wine, after xcopy Z:\mnt\sr0\* C:\rawcd\* /E /C /H to get all contents off CD to virtual C: drive I went to the other WINE terminal and typed
xcopy C:\rawcd\* Z:\mnt\sda3\w2k\rawcd\* /E /C /H

I had to use the /C option because the CD was so scratched. I was going to try the Linux dd command (simpler) but didn't know how to continue after it encountered errors.

7. Then I fished a good copy of driver.cab from a working W2K machine since the CD version was corrupt and put it in the folder Z:\mnt\sda3\w2k\rawcd\i386 with the rest of the Linux files. I actually had to do this copy in Linux since wine (DOS/Windows) had that folder's permissions locked up - as usual, linux rocks

NOTE: I have read you can stuff other files in the i386 and surrounding folders and will explore that later.

NOTE: I was also able to manipulate ~/.wine/drive_c and a few other folders in that area - awesome

After I had it all built, the root folder of my "Building It Myself CD" - Z:\mnt\sda3\w2k\rawcd looked like this:

autorun.inf (file)
bootdisk/ (folder)
cdrom_ip.5 (file)
cdrom_nt.5 (file)
discover/ (folder)
i386/ (main folder of setup/install files)
readme.doc (file)
setup.exe (file)
setuptxt/ (folder)
support/ (folder)
valueadd/ (folder - with a few missing files due to scratched CD - missing files didn't present a problem)
w2kboot.bin (a 2048 byte file I had to hunt for - required to get CD to do an authentic Windows 2000 Setup boot)


w2kcd.img (this file doesn't belong here - QEMU error in script - should be one level up the tree)

8. Wrote/Ran this lil script - slightly modified mkisofs line from a tutorial I found online at


after looking at 10 - 20 - ?50? of them

cd /mnt/sda3/w2k/rawcd

# make it fresh

if [ -f $tfile ]; then
  rm $tfile

mkisofs \

    -b w2kboot.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-seg 1984 -boot-load-size 4 \

    -iso-level 2 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -relaxed-filenames \

   -V "W2PFPP_EN" \

   -o $tfile .

# that made the w2kbin.iso - basically a copy of the CD

qemu-img create -f qcow w2kcd.img 4000M

# that made the QEMU hard drive that Windows Setup will format and install to
# should have done this sooner in script before CD to rawcd folder

qemu -localtime -cdrom /mnt/sda3/w2k/w2kbin.iso -m 512 -boot d w2kcd.img

# that launches the Windows setup CD iso I built with the mkisofs command that is just a file on my hard drive - never burned it to a CD

Note: that -m 512 caused a fairly SLOW setup and later W2K environment
I bumped that up to 1024 (a gig of ram) and things ran much faster

10. Finally got W2K setup to fly and kewl - it even "reboots" smoothly within QEMU - all in the same terminal frame - and goes into setup step 2 (set clock, system etc.) and asks all the old W2K questions - time zone etc.

Its a little scary when W2K setup says hey - lets partition and format the 4GB drive and I am thinking QEMU - if you zap my sda3 I will kill ya - but nope - it just worked on/partition/format of - the QEMU IMAGE of a hard drive w2kcd.img - perfect

...next test is to learn to slip stream in SP4, then incorporate other "packages"
so I can create a W2K "locked" environment, including networking so its all part of setup

and the W2K Environment is LOCKED IN and fresh and consistent

WHY have a W2K XP or Vista QEMU environment when Linux does it all (so far - so much better than Windows ever did)?

First, some users have a hard time letting go of 1001 books or videos or other aps they may have paid for that are in WINDOWS - I have a few such clients. You might think - well let em run a regular Windows box - but frankly, they're so darn slow - if you have enough ram, doing it in QEMU isn't that much slower and I saw a few tools to speed up QEMUs performance, though doubling the ram - memory space - really helped.

Next, Windows is a patently corrupt, virus infected environment - clean and fresh today - guaranteed crash and burn tomorrow - but with a new FRESH though EMULATED QEMU hard drive version viruses aren't really a problem - they're zapped each time you restart the qemu W2K hard drive image - quite similar to the way Tiny Core is a fresh install with each boot.

As for my purpose - I need to debug / develop a LINUX INSTALLER (a C program compiled to exe) and I hated having to boot my Windows laptop - not just for power problems - but I cringe every time I have to work in, turn on or fix a Windows box now.

Tiny Core changed my view - absolutely - and I ain't going back. Why would I when I am booting in 12 - 20 seconds and ka-click - poof - running - got aps up in a blink?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 01:41:45 AM by grandma »
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... then war will become an ancient memory
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Re: How to start qemu? (Download + load done with apps)
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2012, 12:11:52 PM »
As for unetbootin, since it is a GUI, I am surprised that its maintainer did not fully setup it up to launch from menu and icon..
Actually its binary is called unetbootin-linux-576 !
Submitting updated unetbootin with menu & icon  :o
dCore user