Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

Towards Core (microcore) on Raspberry Pi

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--- Quote from: curaga on September 20, 2012, 12:48:43 PM ---I think it'd be good to stay compatible with the x86 repo. There extensions don't generally autostart, but dropbear's init script can generate keys.

--- End quote ---


existing dropbear.tcz in the x86 repo is not PPI compatible, keeps files in /etc, /etc/init.d ... Modifying the dropbear script extension can be made PPI compatible, rearranged in /usr/local

It works fine in the piCore version. Thanks for the original. Modified version attached. Just for the case you want to make x86 version compatible to piCore  :D

I received your new dropbear.tcz for raspberrypi. I installed it on rpi, and started, as you note, and as usually the parctice with this system daemons, use the start/stop script in ./init.d dir (the special is here, it is not in /etc, but in /usr/local/etc...):

sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/dropbear start

It start and generate the key files, and listen on the ssh port.
To connect into it from a remote machine, need to create "standard" user(s) on rpi, means username with valid passwd. The recently used TC system has the default username tc, without any password, and this user has root privilegies. The ssh dont allow to make connection with username, havenot passwd.

Another small trick: when I tried to make connection on second time, start a bare/minimal tc system, the ssh dont allow me to make this connection. It happens, because on the previous session the runing dropbear sent me keys, and it was stored on the "remote" machine.
There is a "brute-force" solution to this situation: if you rename/delete the known.hosts file in your home dir, under ./.ssh, the dropbear daemon will send you new keys, valid for the new sessions.
You can see this on the attached screenshot: in the left-side terminal windows I made an ssh connection on my LAN, used the ip. Previously you can see the rename of the known.hosts file. On the right-side windows I made connnection to the raspberrypi through my public ip address, hg5apz.homelinux.org, used the preciously generated username. On this connection run the mc whitout any problems.

So: it is working, and this is a usefull tool to access the growing tc system on rpi. Bela, thank you for it!

[attachment deleted by admin]


Heh :)

I said it elsewhere, that dropbear.tcz would be updated to current standards when it needed an update otherwise. There weren't any new versions in a long time.


You're supposed to save the host keys in your backup, as well as set passwords. Both are working as intended.

Now it is getting usable. You have file manager, ftp, ssh, htop. I also submitted lynx, sqlite3 and Python 2.7.3 will follow soon.

I have posted an updated image, 20120923
See http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/4.x/armv6/
Both rpiCore and qemuPiCore images have been updated to set time.


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