Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

Towards Core (microcore) on Raspberry Pi

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--- Quote from: curaga on September 18, 2012, 03:28:45 AM ---You'd rather force every extension maker to use the long command line? mksquashfs src dest.tcz -b 4096 -no-xattrs; chmod 644 dest.tcz

--- End quote ---

No, just asking :) This is over, I'm using the TC variant already which is packed to .tcz :)

My first planned milestone was to have the Swiss Army Knife available for piCore. Now it is there:

Without mc I fill always really bad and it is the first package I install if not part of default install. This version is built against ncurses instead of slang to save space.

hi bmarkus,

mc is a great contribution, thank you.

--- Quote ---Without mc I fill always really bad and it is the first package I install if not part of default install.

--- End quote ---

i certainly agree,
for me there won't be any hour spending time with a computer without using mc once!

I have posted qemuPiCore.tgz into http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/4.x/armv6/
This provides a specific kernel and initrd for qemu and requires the very latest qemu to work.
qemu-arm.tcz in the x86 repository will allow those without a raspberrypi to see, help test,
and contribute to the raspberrypi Core effort.

To bmarkus:
I would like to summarize here the topics, we discussed in our private mails on testing the new tcz packages on raspberripy.
The new mc.tcz need this previously installed packages:
After installing this, it run, as expected.
Congratulations to this works.
With the mc you can make accessible a usefull everyday tools for the majority of users.
I use it in every sessions too.
About the remote access of the TC on rpi:
I got the dropbear binary from the rasberian. It run on TC, but it need to generate some keys, and it need to change this keys, if you want to connect from remote site, from ssh. I made some tries to make this keys, but without success.
I think, if I have a script, which convert the dropbear deb package to tcz, it would be more simple to realize this.


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