Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

Towards Core (microcore) on Raspberry Pi

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A friend of my reported that my first extension, john.tcz  installs fine and works.

Now it runs in QEMU perfectly, on WINDOWS as well as TC. This screen is captured on TC 4.6 (x86) running piCore 4.6.1 in QEMU:

as soon as the package is ready I will try to test  :D

To test piCore I started to build extensions, first with those with no dependency. Than built ncurses in the same splitup as on x86. ncurses used by many CLI programs. Next test was building iptraf and htop using ncurses. Everything is working on the same way as x86 core with the newly built tcz's, see

To build extensions I'm using Raspbian running in QEMU on WINDOWS with a shared virtual drive used by both Raspbian and piCore to make file transfer easy. My original build scripts are working with very little modification, in most cases it is enough just to remove Intel references in CC and CCX compiler options.

All together result is very positive, piCore works as expected.

I have posted an updated image. Please note the change in directory on server.
See http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/4.x/armv6/

This update fixes broken library links.

Also now posted the first extensions:
See http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/4.x/armv6/tcz
A big THANK-YOU goes to bmarkus!

I have also created the support databases, tags, info, size, and md5, so that tce-ab from raspberrypi now works.


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