I ended up building Qt-4.5.1. My configuration was:./configure -prefix /usr/local/lib/qt-4.5.1 -bindir /usr/local/bin -libdir /usr/local/lib -headerdir /usr/local/include -release -no-exceptions -system-sqlite -nomake examples -nomake docs -nomake demos
This put the binaries in /usr/local/bin and the libraries in /usr/local/lib and everything else in /usr/local/lib/qt-4.5.1 so the PATH and LD_CONFIG_PATH don't need to be changed.
The tce is 18.9MB
The devs tce is 3.4MB
and the debug tce is over 110MB - this is a bit large for a package
I was going to submit this to tce-submit but I was waiting for the 4.5 release of PyQt which is suppose to be sometime this month. I was also going to build a few Qt4 apps in the next few days to test this 4.5.1 package.