Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks

NFS Client

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Not being sure on how you run it off your ubuntu server, maybe you need to define it in hosts.allow, i do.

But you also say in between the lines that you did not need to do that with the other machine. Its only for inet or tcp wrapped services.

Your exports file is incorrect. and
are neither machine addresses nor network addresses.

Hi arcturus
If these are your exports:

--- Quote ---/export,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,async)
--- End quote ---
Shouldn't your mount command look more like:

--- Code: ---sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs
--- End code ---
instead of:

--- Quote ---sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---
--- End quote ---
I'm not sure what that does, it might resolve to sub addresses 247-255.
I think this is legal:

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---

Thanks! I'm in a hurry now. Will reply later. You have given me several relevant ideas that I'll have to try...

Thank you all! I finally got it working tonight. I had made several mistakes:

1.) The nfs-client had to be started with "sudo". It reports OK without sudo but it won't start... "./nfs-client status" said "nfs-client not running".
2.) My /etc/exports was indeed incorrect. I had tried a lot of different things here and left an invalid IP.
3.) I edited "hosts.allow" on my server to allow connections by "portmap" and "rpc.mountd" from any
     machine on my network (don't know if this was really needed though).
4.) Kind of forgot the non-persistent nature of tc/mc - my mountpoint /mnt/nfs had vanished since i created it...  :-[

The strangest thing in all this is how my kubuntu destop machine would just mount my share without any errors...

Again many thanks! Yep! I'm a bit of a newbie but with your help I solved this. Now my network music player box is
one step closer to reality  :)


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