Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing

Core v4.6rc3

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The third release candidate of Core 4.6 is ready for public testing:

Change Log RC1:
* New mirrorpicker GUI - Select fastest mirror.
* Updated Apps GUI to add first run and menu option for mirrorpicker GUI.
* Updated ScmApps GUI to add first run and menu option for mirrorpicker GUI.
* Updated tce-status added -o option for orphan file checking.
* Updated Apps GUI to add Orphan file check.
* Updated tc-config improved PRETCE raid disk support.
* Renamed ab to tcb to avoid Apache name conflict and allow to start without specifying a search target.

Change Log RC2:
* Updated busybox added lsof applet and link.
* Updated mirrorpicker to remove unneeded dialog box.
* Disabled orphan file on unsupported ftp mirrors.
* Renamed ab (tcb) to tce-ab with tce link as suggested in the forum.
* Updated isolinux.cfg with adjustments as suggested in the forum.

Change Log RC3:
* Updated tce-ab with signal trap to prevent abnormal termination.
* Updated scm with signal trap to prevent abnormal termination.
* Updated tce-load to display options when no initial options are specified.
* Updated fromISOfile to handle invalid device and busybox alias.
* Updated Apps GUI improved Updates message and OnBoot & OnDemand labels.
* Updated ScmApps improved Updates message.
* Updated wbar & flwm* to handle multiple Name & Exec items.

Note: Requires new Xprogs.tcz also in the rc testing area until final release.
wbar and flwm* are already available in the repository.

my first tests proof it as a stable piece of work :)

Apps->Maintennce  - The following selections have non-functional "Go >" and/or "< Go"  buttons:
Md5 Checking
Check for Updates
Check for Orphans

I could see them as replacements for"Add" and "Delete" in "OnBoot Maintenance" and "OnDemand Maintenance", but they do not appeqar in those two screens.

More cosmetics (labeling) added to Apps GUI.


--- Quote from: roberts on August 19, 2012, 10:33:26 PM ---More cosmetics (labeling) added to Apps GUI.

--- End quote ---

Would be good to have a 'Current version' button / menu in Apps. I was playing with different version just recently and would have been good to have an easy access to version info instead opening a terminal just for that.


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