dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10
Towards Microcore on Allwinner A10
Did you build the kernel using TinyCore? (I mean building inside the x86 version of TinyCore)
I have a TinyCore VM (running under qemu) which I use for building x86 TinyCore packages, and find that it is the easiest way for me to maintain a stable environment to compile in regardless of changes on my main machine. Qemu (running on windows) hosting the TinyCore VM works well for this because it's a completely portable setup that I can backup or make copies of and it still works just fine.
I'd like to be able to use a TinyCore VM to build modules for the mini-x - I really need to build a wifi module (8192cu) so that the mini-x can be useful for something (no RJ45 ethernet on the mini-x - only wifi).
Do you have any tips for the build environment? I've only ever compiled one kernel module (many years ago) but I seem to recall that for compiling the modules you need exactly the same compile environment as the kernel had. Thanks :-)
Yes. I use Tiny Core to do everything!
I am using Code Sourcery as my cross compiler.
I have built both rpi and a10 kernels using only Tiny Core and Code Sourcery.
You will need the following tcz extensions loaded:
1. Download Code Sourcery
2, Untar it on a persistent device, e.g., /mnt/sdb1
It will create a directory called arm-2010.09
3. mkdir -p /mnt/sdb1/mele/modules and cd /mnt/sdb1/mele
Download the kernel and defconfig from our armv7 directory and untar and bunzip the defconfig
This will create an amery-linux-allwinner-21eeb80 directory, cd into it.
4. cp ../mbc_defconfig arch/arm/configs
5. Setup exports for cross compile
export PATH="$PATH":/mnt/sdb1/arm-2010.09/bin
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=/mnt/sdb1/arm-2010.09/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
6. make mbc_defconfig
7. make menuconfig
8. make uImage && make modules
9. make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/mnt/sdb1/mele/modules
Your modules will be in /mnt/sdb1/mele/modules
The kernel is in arch/arm/boot
Thanks for the detailed instructions.
Unfortunately, the codecourcery link does not work for me ("The page you requested does not exist.")
It appears that codesourcery are now only offering 30-day evaluation copies.
Try this:
It appears to be self-extracting offering the same version.
Another option is to build natively on mini-x. Use one of the full linux distros mount a pendrive, place download files and directories on pendrive and hopelly perhaps overnight it will complete the compile!
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