dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10
Towards Microcore on Allwinner A10
I have compiled, posted, and currently using rsync and dropbearmulti extensions.
Now available in the armv7 report.
Sorry I'm newbbie but trying to learn :D
First I succeeded in making squeezelite runing on USB Card on Roman's headless Debian server.
Now, I'm trying to do the same on Tinycore.
Up to now I have Tinycore and Dropbear running, Alsa-utils, Flac, Limad, Libvorbis, installed and most probably running.
Alsamixer shows The HDMI but not USB soundcard, Kernel must probably be moded (how to) ?
Squeezelite-armv6hf (that is running fine on Roman's Headless Debian) is not running on TinyCore, no idea why ?
Any thought ?
Best regards,
Hi @Roberts,
Have you seen this site..http://elinux.org/Hack_A10_devices.. it details loading linux internally rather than on the external sd card. It also seems a pretty good outline of the whole A10 boot process.
I wouldn't be surprised if you have but ... just in case.
I have seen LiveSuit. But since it is a Windows program and I do not have, nor desire Windows, I am unable to comment on its function with regard to Core.
Most of the A10 devices that I have enabled Core, have been borrowed with the promise that I would not wipe out Android. So I have not ventured there. I do know, that it is quite easy, to specify one of the larger nand partitions for use as your tce directory. Doing so, will not harm Android and provides a slightly faster sce loading.
My main A10 device, mele, supports SATA, so my sces loads from that.
OK, that answers my unasked SATA question. None of the sticks have SATA connections.
I have a running TCL on the MK802 and therefore I have access to the internal sd card partitions. Hence some of my questions.
If you would like a device as a development toy to get this working on a quad core stick, as per other discussions, just say the word and I will get one to you. Once you have a TCL on the the external sd card I thought it would be simple to copy the internal card out to a file and therefore not care about the Android. I have the livesuite program so that would not matter anyway.
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