Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks
network-manager-applet how to
Arslan S.:
This guide assumes that you are running Tiny Core Base with flwm
First you have to install consolekit if you want to store passwords else you have to run nm-applet as root
then install network-manager-gnome and add to /opt/bootlocal.sh
--- Code: ---/usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus reload
/usr/local/etc/init.d/NetworkManager start
--- End code ---
you need a system tray for nm-applet to show up itself
so install lxpanel and
--- Code: ---echo "lxpanel &" > ~/.X.d/lxpanel
--- End code ---
for technical reasons you should not start nm-applet in .X.d
if you look at .xsession a new process is forked with & as a result nm-applet is out of ck session and you will have an unauthorized nm-applet at the end
instead run nm-applet manually or create a menu item to do it
nm-applet requires gnome-keyring to store passwords so another guide is needed for that
but nm-applet works without it if you don't mind typing password each time
also you can install a notification daemon: xfce4-notifyd or notify-osd
it displays pop-up messages from nm-applet
for vpn connection you need a vpn plugin: NetworkManager-vpnc
Interesting, but what is this switch please " --sm-disable "
Arslan S.:
--- Quote from: coreplayer2 on August 04, 2012, 12:19:22 PM ---Interesting, but what is this switch please " --sm-disable "
--- End quote ---
nothing actually probably it has been deprecated
newer versions don't have that option
ok thanks
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