Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

[SOLVED]Installation and configuring/connecting to OpenVPN on Microcore guide...

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Heheh, I had issues finding it on the package manager. That's when I discovered it was a problem with my Atheros network card. I switched to using a different machine and was able to download the OpenVPN package. Now I just need to figure out how to use it, it doesn't seem to have a web interface like the .deb package off OpenVPN's site has. I'm guessing I just need to jump through some more hoops. Thanks for the help so far guys.

You can find documentation at http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source.html .

Thanks for the information guys, hopefully this thread will help someone else out in the future.  :)


--- Quote from: nvrnight on August 03, 2012, 03:44:53 PM ---Thanks for the information guys, hopefully this thread will help someone else out in the future.  :)

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Adding [SOLVED] to Subject of first post would be a good idea ;)


--- Quote from: tinypoodle on August 03, 2012, 04:18:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: nvrnight on August 03, 2012, 03:44:53 PM ---Thanks for the information guys, hopefully this thread will help someone else out in the future.  :)

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Adding [SOLVED] to Subject of first post would be a good idea ;)

--- End quote ---


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