General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

USB stick boot of Tiny Core Linux on eeePC 901 -- problems?


Hi chaps, only my second post to the TCL forums and I hope I haven't missed an FAQ somewhere.

I'm new to TCL but am intending to use it as the main OS on my netbook. The netbook in question, an Asys eeePC 901, had been running eeeBuntu for years and is presently running off a Puppy USB stick.

I did a TCL download last week; made a boot CD-ROM, ran it on a desktop machine and used the installer to make a bootable USB stick, tried to boot the netbook off the stick. No dice. The stick works OK on other computers, and I tried waitusb values up to 15 secs and different formats (ext2, ext3, VFAT).

Is this a common problem? Any other suggestions?

BTW, I've ordered an external CD-ROM drive. But a bootable USB would be a lot handier.

Best, W.


--- Quote from: Niftyprose on July 22, 2012, 05:50:08 AM ---..used the installer to make a bootable USB stick, tried to boot the netbook off the stick. No dice. The stick works OK on other computers, and I tried waitusb values up to 15 secs and different formats (ext2, ext3, VFAT).

--- End quote ---

Several others have got tc to work on the same hardware - can you give any clues as to why it doesn't work for you - error messages, etc?

Thanks for the fast reply, Juanito. 'Not now' is the simple answer -- I'll update you when I get back to base. Best, W.


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