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How to reduce system font size?

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I could have guessed that "dpi" is setting up a custom screen resolution, but this is not what I was looking for. The resolution is fine for my TV and once I switch videos to full screen, they almost look like real TV programs.

I actually wanted to change the system font size. A menu entry at 1280x1024 may look tiny, but it is massive on a 320x240 screen. I guess it is set to a standard 12pt font size. Is there any way too reduce this to 6pt?

Many thanks.

OK, but what I've found is that many gtk2 apps are too big - window size and fonts - and setting the dpi correctly solves this (but possibly not via a vga to tv convertor).

Hi Zweitaktmotor
The main factor that will limit how small a point size you can use is the dpi on your television. I'm going to throw
out a few numbers in an attempt to put that statement into perspective.
My 20" television has a width of 16" and a height of 12".
pixel height=1/20=.05"
1 point=1/72=.01388"
1 pixel=.05"/.01388"=3.6 points
A 5x8 font has a height of 8 x 3.6=28.8 points
28.8 points has a size of 28.8/72=0.4"
The dpi defines the size of the pixel. Combined with the height of the font in pixels determines the size of the text.

Hi Rich,

Uh, I'll have to digest that. :-O  But many thanks.

Perhaps I need a coarser font then. I noticed Xvesa has some options pointing to a font directory.

I can't play with it now, but I will over the next few days.

Oh, and something else: I can reduce the actual Web content in Firefox with Ctrl- until a whole page width is visible on my screen. It is just about readable than.

So, small fonts can be displayed. I only need to tell TC to do it.

Will report back...


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