General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial
Another x86_64 remaster question
Ezremaster is a great tool but I think either I'm not doing something right or ezremaster cant handle 64bit kernels..?
So here is one issue.
You have to cheat a little to get this far into the boot messages, when I say cheat well I mean rename core64 and vmlinuz64 to core and vmlinuz respectively between extracting components in preparation and actually making the ISO. Without any renaming we end up with three files on completion of the remaster, 1x vmlinuz64 and 1x core.64.gz and 1x core.gz (the latter with all the extentions builtin).
and here is another issue.
Anyhow despite renaming the files we get these errors during boot (which of course stops the proccess).
Starting udev daemon for hotplug support...Done.
modprobe: chdir(3.0.21-tinycore64): No such file or directory
modprobe: chdir(3.0.21-tinycore64): No such file or directory
I don't know if it's the one kernel mode driver extension which is installed, or not..? am going to experiment a little here..
ezremaster doesn't currently support remastering a 64 bit system.
Thanks for the confirmation
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