Tiny Core Extensions > TCE News

eina.tcz.dep is no longer necessary


but I don't think tce-audit handles this.

the .dep was still in repo, because the server side update script doesn't expect the case of a removed dep, so it should work soon!

I don't think the update script should be changed to do that, either. If I'm updating an existing extension and it doesn't have dep/list/etc file changed, I simply don't create nor upload those files, saving my time. I'd say this is the case for me 90% of the time.

That is a good argument for requiring a dep file even if it only includes a null.tcz as a dependency.
Currently not requiring a dep file poses a client problem if one is accidentally not uploaded.

I don't recall that happening many times, if at all? I do remember some times where a dep file was not submitted at all, but none where one was submitted but not uploaded.


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