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libreoffice locales

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Jason W:
Adding in the locale data would double the extension size to around 500MB, and adding in the localized help packs would total the extension at around 1 GB. 

This is definitely a case where the ability to provide a separate locale or language pack makes sense.  Each individual language and help pack would average around 12mb.  One can simply download the main extension, and if they want, say, an Italian language and help pack, then one can simply download that separate extension.

The only other feasible way would be to just provide the top three or four languages contained in the main extension.  But even that would increase the size by about 50MB, and some folks would feel left out, and with no way to add their own language.

Like it is not feasible to include the huge sound font packages in the timidity extension, as that case too needs to allow a choice of sound fonts, libreoffice needs to be able to provide a choice of languages when it is not reasonable to include them in the package.  I will see what I can do, and if it can be done cleanly.

Jason W:
Ok, I am uploading an updated libreoffice 3.5.4 that has the ability to add language and help packs.  I am uploading an Italian language pack now, and if others want their language supported they can mention it here. 

The language extension is called libreoffice3.5-it-langpack.scm, and it copies it's files into RAM in the writable /opt/scm/libreoffice directory.  I would have liked to use symlinks to save RAM, but upon testing libreoffice is broken if those symlinks exist when the language extension is uninstalled.  So best to stay with real files for now, the only other way would be an option or flag to make certain extensions not able to be uninstalled, but that can be addressed if there is a general benefit for it.

The Italian language pack takes up about 20MB of RAM, so using a persistent /opt would help for those with older machines.

thanx Jason
Actually I don't use libreoffice, I installed core to a friend's computer cause he had big problems with win$ and he uses office programs, but it looked like he was wanting only win$ :(

Jason W:
That's all good, as we need a test of concept in the large app area, like libreoffice, and how we can offer the normal add-ons that need to be available.  Basically the structure was already there, using /opt/scm/$extname as writable space that symlinks can point to, which similar was used in a previous distro and is necessary from time to time.



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