Off-Topic > SCM Extension Requests

Request Midnight Commander File Manager

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Jason W:
Ok, I will look into it tonight.  I never really used MC, preferring either the command line or a graphical app like rox or emelfm2, so my testing of it was limited.

I am away from TC today, but my hunch is that I may need to create a wrapper for the bzip2 binaries in /apps/mc/localbin, or preferably to just re build bzip2 as static to keep it simpler without needing a wrapper for every one of it's invocations.


--- Quote from: SamK on June 01, 2012, 05:42:51 AM ---This has stood the test of time well and remains very useful.  I find the "User Menu" function particularly helpful to script and execute my repetive tasks.

--- End quote ---

Can you script in mc? Is it something similar to what vim/emacs is capable of?


--- Quote from: spence91 on June 07, 2012, 12:31:50 PM ---Can you script in mc?

--- End quote ---
The included user manual has guidance on its scripting capabilities which is quite helpful.  Examples of the structure can be found in ~/.mc/menu.  There are also many sites with helpful information.

Jason W:
Should be working now, with static bzip2.


--- Quote from: Jason W on June 07, 2012, 09:10:52 PM ---Should be working now, with static bzip2.
--- End quote ---
Confirming it now works as expected.  Thanks.

I will now request a series of scm command line apps I regularly use via the MC User Menu facility.


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