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gOS Cloud - similar idea for a fast boot minimal system


This may interest you - the philosophy behind gOS Cloud is somewhat similar to Tiny Core. Booting very fast into a minimal operating system that depends on a network connection to provide wider functionality.|en&tbb=1&ie=utf-8

It doesn't appear to be available for download yet, but I'll probably give it a try if/when it is.

For now I'm having a lot of fun exploring Tiny Core  :)

--- Quote ---a minimal operating system that depends on a network connection to provide wider functionality.
--- End quote ---
I think this is a pretty big difference.  TC Extensions can be downloaded (even from other systems) and stored on your harddrive or removable media for loading when you're offline.  I think dependence on a network connection is something our internet still isn't secure and stable enough to appropriately support.


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