Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions

scms locales are not automatically loaded

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Jason W:
I see I tested it but forgot to upload it, will upload it tonight.

Jason W:
Actually, the startup scripts in tce.installed usually need to be run or at least studied to see what needs to be done in initially setting up the extension.  So they are valuable to keep in the scm, as the tcz packages it was made from may get updated and their startup scripts changed, leaving no record of what was done in making the scm or what may have been missed and needs to be done in the case of troubleshooting an issue.  Best then to leave them in, they are small anyway.


--- Quote from: vinnie on May 03, 2012, 06:52:05 AM ---Add dep in locales i think is the simpliest solution and package remain Light.

--- End quote ---
dear vinnie
i lit up a little improved idea which i have outlined here
which also may be applied to self-contained modules


--- Quote from: Jason W on May 04, 2012, 12:08:45 PM ---Actually, the startup scripts in tce.installed usually need to be run or at least studied to see what needs to be done in initially setting up the extension.  So they are valuable to keep in the scm, as the tcz packages it was made from may get updated and their startup scripts changed, leaving no record of what was done in making the scm or what may have been missed and needs to be done in the case of troubleshooting an issue.  Best then to leave them in, they are small anyway.

--- End quote ---
i think need move the contents of these startup scripts to /apps/scm_name/config/install

Jason W:
That would only be needed if there was a function that needs to be run every time the extension is loaded, which so far is not that case.  But for something that is needed to be run every time the extension is loaded, then yes, the routines would be put in the scm's startup script.


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