Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions

scms locales are not automatically loaded

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when i tested these changes i found some "features" at work with scm
1. if been downloaded and installed tcz extension then scm deps
    with a similar names can't be downloaded and installed (for example gtk2)
2. scm are repeatedly added to scmboot.lst without their checking in this list
3. when deleting scm ( scmapps -> apps -> local -> delete -> go )
    then its name are not deleted from scmboot.lst
4. and now the most interesting
    when deleting an scm then will be deleted tcz extension with a similar name
    for example tar.scm, tar-locale.scm etc (and yet i had installed abiword.tcz ;))


--- Quote from: AbNoRMiS on May 02, 2012, 12:44:08 AM ---
Removed attachment as it is against forum policy.

--- End quote ---
dear roberts
sorry, but i do not quite understand what exactly i violated from below mentioned,7738.0.html,5287.0.html
i proposed changes to the existing system script and expressed this on the forum
i marked amended and attached a modified script for testing
because i have not found anything other than ban attach binary extensions
attached script does not violate the integrity of the system or its operation
may i something incorrectly translated and not exactly understood?
please forgive me if i'm wrong but please explain this to me

The same respect affored to extension makers applies to base system fucntions.
You do not decide to take control of  someone's  extension. We do not want multiple varations of core system functions. Especailly when a discussion was ongooing. There are exising ways to solve wihtout hard coding.

Please show respect and do not post replacements for core functions.
Ideas, suggestions, and discussions are welcomed. Posted replacements of core functions especially as attachments are not. User posted replacments would become a support nightmare.
Please let myself and the team handle the core there are plenty of new requested extensions that you can contribute.

Back to the topic:

Many ways to handle. Some are quite easy. Note that not everyone needs a locale file.
In order of ease and least impact:

1. Add needed locale.scms to scmboot.lst  (Easy)
2. Manually load locale when loading the base scm via ScmApps GUI. (Simple)
3. Create a .dep file for the locale.scm indicating the base scm name. (Less simple)
4. Embed every local.scm into the base scm extension. (Much larger downloads)
5. Hard code searching for a corresponding locale file for each and every extension install,  uninstall, and deletion. ( Impacts every user and every action for every extension).


--- Quote from: roberts on May 02, 2012, 03:10:25 PM ---The same respect affored to extension makers applies to base system fucntions.
You do not decide to take control of  someone's  extension. We do not want multiple varations of core system functions. Especailly when a discussion was ongooing. There are exising ways to solve wihtout hard coding.

Please show respect and do not post replacements for core functions.
Ideas, suggestions, and discussions are welcomed. Posted replacements of core functions especially as attachments are not. User posted replacments would become a support nightmare.
Please let myself and the team handle the core there are plenty of new requested extensions that you can contribute.

--- End quote ---
with great respect roberts thanks for your explanation
in any case I did not mean disrespect of your work and team
i just tried little help in improving your unique like me think system


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