Tiny Core Base > Final Releases
Core v4.5
Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 4.5.
Change Log:
* Updated wbar to 2.3.0
* Updated wbar.sh, wbar_setup, & wbarconf GUI for new wbar changes.
* New Apps GUI replaces AppBrowser & AppsAudit
* Updated Apps GUI OnBoot, OnDemand, & Md5Check to case insensitive sort order.
* Updated Apps GUI OnDemand to support ondemand noicons.
* Updated App GUI to add descriptive title and moved URI to bottom.
* Renamed ScmBrowser to ScmApps, added delete & descriptive title, moved URI to bottom, adjusted menu.
* Updated tce-audit to suppress spurious messages with regard to fat filesystems.
* Updated tce-setup added support for scm in cde tmp/builtin for remasters.
* Updated scm-load to forward md5check results to calling GUI.
* Updated scm-load to support scm only type systems and remasters.
* Updated rc.shutdown to umount scm extensions.
* New expanded boot code noicons to specify no ondemand icons. noicions=ondemand
* Updated tc-config, wbar_setup, ondemand, and Apps GUI to support noicons=ondemand
* Updated f2 & f3 boot codes.
Note: Need new Xprogs.tcz and wbar.tcz
Note: You will need to delete any .wbar and .wbarconf from your home directory!
Note: CorePlus has a new updated ezremaster and tc-install!
CorePlus also has three new boot times options:
* Boot TinyCore + Install
* Boot TinyCore + Wifi
* Boot TinyCore + Wifi + Firmware
Of course one can use Tab to edit the desktop= to your preferred desktop.
hi roberts,
nice release... everything works smoothly and as expected... thank you.
don't mind if i remember you:
"System Stats will be resizeable in next cut, hopefully 4.5 final."
i'm patient, so i will look to the next release... :)
--- Quote from: roberts on April 24, 2012, 10:54:15 AM ---* Updated wbar to 2.3.0
--- End quote ---
New wbar has a bug and it leads a segmentation fault when --nofont option is used.
I patched source code and here it seems works fine now. Patch is:
In /src/core/Main.cc line 195 where:
--- Code: ---if (optparser.isSet(BALFA) || optparser.isSet(FALFA) || optparser.isSet(FILTER) || !(p->getTitle().empty() || optparser.isSet(NOFONT)))
--- End code ---
it should be:
--- Code: ---if (optparser.isSet(BALFA) || optparser.isSet(FALFA) || optparser.isSet(FILTER) || !(p->getTitle().empty()) || optparser.isSet(NOFONT))
--- End code ---
BTW, thanks to Team Tiny Core for this new release! :)
I usually run a comparison to the previous release or release candidate whenever a new one shows up. This time I noted that a kernel driver (i.e. '.../drivers/net/pcmcia/xirc2ps_cs.ko.gz') was removed. As 'modules.alias' and 'modules.dep' are still unchanged (i.e. 'depmod' was not run after the file removal) I wonder whether this is intentional or rather an "accident".
--- Quote from: netnomad on April 24, 2012, 03:04:13 PM ---hi roberts,
nice release... everything works smoothly and as expected... thank you.
don't mind if i remember you:
"System Stats will be resizeable in next cut, hopefully 4.5 final."
i'm patient, so i will look to the next release... :)
--- End quote ---
I actually did make the change to System Stats but then forgot to merge into the final image.
From the posts so far looks like I will be doing a 4.5.1 so you will have soon.
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