Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions

Is gtk2.scm only for scm-apps?


I have created a tcz of a browser plugin I sometimes use. This plugin has gtk2 as a dependency and works fine with gtk2.tcz but not with gtk2.scm. Is gtk2.scm only for scm-apps? gtk2.tcz works for both tcz- and scm-apps.

Hi uggla
Since SCMs are basically meant to be self contained, they probably don't get linked into any of the standard
search paths. That way if they use an older library for example, they won't interfere with other applications
that rely on a newer version of the same library. You can confirm (or disprove) this by entering
sudo find / -name libgtk*   after installing  gtk2.scm  and see where the files and links are located.

Jason W:
Here's one tip -

if you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and also perhaps PATH, then you can use the gtk2.scm as the toolkit in many cases.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/apps/gtk2/lib /path/to/executableapp

That can be exported as the main app, like a browser, is being launched if I am correct.

I got it working using your tip. Thanks!  ;D


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