Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing

Core v4.5rc2


The second release candidate of Core 4.5 is ready for public testing:

RC1 Change Log:
* Updated wbar to 2.3.0
* Updated wbar.sh, wbar_setup, & wbarconf GUI  for new wbar changes.
* New Apps GUI replaces AppBrowser & AppsAudit
* Updated Apps GUI OnBoot, OnDemand, & Md5Check to case insensitive sort order.
* Updated Apps GUI OnDemand to support ondemand noicons.
* Updated Apps GUI to add descriptive title and moved URI to bottom.
* Renamed ScmBrowser to ScmApps, added delete & descriptive title, moved URI to bottom, adjusted menu.
* Updated tce-audit to suppress spurious messages with regard to fat filesystems.
* Updated tce-setup added support for scm in cde  tmp/builtin for remasters.
* Updated scm-load to forward md5check results to calling GUI.
* Updated scm-load to support scm only type systems and remasters.
* Updated rc.shutdown to umount scm extensions.
* New expanded boot code noicons to specify no ondemand icons. noicions=ondemand
* Updated tc-config, wbar_setup, ondemand, and Apps GUI to support noicons=ondemand
* Updated f2 & f3 boot codes.

Note: Need new Xprogs.tcz and wbar.tcz
Note: You will need to delete .wbar from your home directory!

Note: CorePlus has a new updated ezremaster!
Note: Find the Xprogs.tcz, wbar.tcz, and ezremaster.tcz in the release candidate area.
          They will be formally posted to the repository when 4.5 final is released.

RC2 Change log:
* Updated Apps GUI "load local" to be consistent and show only eligible, to be loaded, extensions.
* Updated wbarconf added support for "more" options and reload of GUI from .wbarconf.
* Added /usr/local/lib/modules/3.0.21-tinycore/kernel to prevent harmless message when depmod is run without any extensions.
* Updated tc-config to allow alternate user & PXE booting.

Note: Xprogs.tcz and wbar.tcz have been updated since rc1.
Note: You must remove any existing .wbarconf

ScmApps is resizeable.
Apps is not.
I often run Apps full screen.

hi roberts,

nice cut, nice work. my heavy tests can confirm the stability, too.

i want to remark also something like gerald_clark mentioned:
do you think that system_stats of the control_panel section
could have a resizeable windows-mode and full-screen, too?

i like the new apps and scmapps.
i noticed that in these programs the apps-button can only be pressed in a certain area.
on the right side is an area that doesn't work, that can't be pressed.
do you think that it's difficult to use the whole button?
i think it could really improve the usability, because i missed the button quite often, especially in the beginning.

thank you. i really like and appreciate your work.


--- Quote from: gerald_clark on April 19, 2012, 02:48:37 PM ---ScmApps is resizeable.
Apps is not.
I often run Apps full screen.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: netnomad on April 19, 2012, 04:20:06 PM ---hi roberts,

nice cut, nice work. my heavy tests can confirm the stability, too.

i want to remark also something like gerald_clark mentioned:
do you think that system_stats of the control_panel section
could have a resizeable windows-mode and full-screen, too?

i like the new apps and scmapps.
i noticed that in these programs the apps-button can only be pressed in a certain area.
on the right side is an area that doesn't work, that can't be pressed.
do you think that it's difficult to use the whole button?
i think it could really improve the usability, because i missed the button quite often, especially in the beginning.

thank you. i really like and appreciate your work.

--- End quote ---

First thanks for taking time to help test!

Text does not resize to fit change in widget size, therefore one must click on the displayed text and not just the expanded widget. This seems to be especially true with the menu widget.

System Stats will be resizeable in next cut, hopefully 4.5 final.


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