Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing

Core v4.5rc1

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--- Quote from: gerald_clark on April 14, 2012, 11:04:42 AM ---tftp/http loading was originally written to load nfs drivers for tce directory on nfs.
It was then extended to support nbd and aoe.
Since these are system rather than user extensions user tc was used.
--- End quote ---

Sorry, but this explanation has nothing to do with the bug I reported, since loading nfs, nbd and aoe via tftp/http also breaks if you pass a user= option to the kernel commandline:

From /etc/init.d/tc-config:

--- Code: ---get_app() {
[...code removed...]
su "$USER" -c "/usr/bin/tce-load -i $FL $TCE/$APP"
[...code removed...]

# First process tftp and http entries
modprobe -q squashfs 2>/dev/null
[ -n "$TFTPLIST" ] && get_app "TFTP" $TFTPLIST
[ -n "$HTTPLIST" ] && get_app "HTTP" $HTTPLIST

[...code removed...]

if [ -n "$USER" ]; then
if ! grep "$USER" /etc/passwd >/dev/null; then addUser; fi

--- End code ---

So, first the nfs module gets loaded using "su "$USER" -c "..."" and after that that same user will be generated. This has to fail.

This is definitely a bug which wasn't in there in 4.1, and I'm reporting it, handing it over on a silver plate. As a workaround I dropped the user= kernel parameter, which made my system usable again. Sorry, but I've been out of the loop for about half a year now, and I just don't have the time to fix and test it, since I'm buried beneath other projects.

BTW: I still wonder why package installation is only allowed for the user and not for root, imho it should be exactly the other way round, as in any other distribution I've encountered so far.

What happend to the old days when, all you got for reporting a bug was: "Fixed! Thanks for finding.", and not an endless discussion? ;)

The explanation has everything to do with the bug you reported.
Testing is simple.
Create a second initrd that contains only tc-config.
Add that to the initrd line in your pxeboot config file.

Boot and verify it is working.

You are the one wishing to extend the original purpose of the boot code.


--- Quote from: gerald_clark on April 14, 2012, 11:43:22 AM ---You are the one wishing to extend the original purpose of the boot code.

--- End quote ---
You are wrong here. Do not wish extend any original purpose. If you've got a pxe/tftp/http setup, please just add the option "user=gerald" to the kernel options, and it not a single TCZ will load. As I stated:

--- Quote from: SvOlli on April 14, 2012, 11:35:51 AM ---As a workaround I dropped the user= kernel parameter, which made my system usable again.

--- End quote ---
So it works for me, still I just wanted to report that problem.

And trying to make myself as clear as possible:
- I found a bug.
- I reported it.
- The bug is triggered in a well defined and completely valid environment, one that is not on the "not supported"-list.
- I don't want any extension of any feature.
- I don't even want this to be fixed, I just wanted to report it to see if anyone feels responsible for it.
- Since there no-one seems to be, I've got no problem with it being in there up to version 4.99 or whatever.
- And I'm not willing to sink more time into this problem, as I've got a workaround, and projects that are more fun to hack on as TCL.

Yes the time spent in discussion might have been enough to fix the problem already. But this goes for both sides, and I didn't see this coming when I filed in my bug report.

I'm just a user, like you, but I made the change, tested it and sent a patch to roberts.

@SvOlli, Thanks for the bug report and suggested fix.

@Gerald, Thanks for making the effort to test and submitting a patch. Greatly appreciated!

Look for this beginning with 4.5rc2.


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