Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
Core v4.5rc1
--- Quote from: roberts on April 11, 2012, 10:01:59 PM ---1. With "Load local", I am using a standard FLTK widget that just so happens to offer "favorites" where you can create a shortcut to selecting a file. I my drop that standard widget and just reuse some of my existing code. That way, I could display only "not already loaded" extensions that would be more practical and consistent with the rest of the layout.
2. I presently do not have plans to merge the two. My reasoning, is that it leaves open the possibility to have a tcz only system, or even an scm only system. Brian, has updated his ezremaster to support scms. So by placing the "extended base" tczs into the Core.gz one could easily remaster an scm only system. Besides, it was enough of a challenge to merge AppBrowser with AppsAudit with all the permutations and combinations of GUI elements.
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Re: Load Local
I am dropping the standard FLTK file selector widget and replace with my code.
The benefits are:
1. Display only available, "not already loaded" extensions. Should provide a much shorter select list and therefore make the system easier to use and understand.
2 Consistent look, feel, and operation, i.e., everything is single click and will work like ScmApps Local/Install.
3. The generic file selector is heavy with its preview and favorites, both not needed, thereby its removal will mean a small memory footprint.
--- Quote from: roberts on April 12, 2012, 03:14:52 PM ---
--- Quote from: netnomad on April 12, 2012, 11:44:50 AM ---hi roberts,
very nice work, clear menues and added functionality that i really appreciate.
i noticed that my encrypted backup is not used to restore my configuration and data, stored in my backup.
my backup-file is called core.tgz.bfe that is defined by my bootcode.
everything works fine with 4.4, it is caused by the actual 4.5rc1.
can someone confirm this behavior?
thank you for your commitment.
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Sorry, I cannot confirm. I too use encrypted backup and always test this feature.
There were no changes from 4.4 to 4.5 that would cause such a failure.
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hi roberts,
thank you for your reply.
it was my fault, sorry for my misleading contribution.
in my bootmanager i refered to a missing backup-file "core-test.tgz.bfe" at my core-testing-environment.
after providing the backup-file everything worked fine so far...
... and i'm fond of further heavy testing :)
--- Quote from: gerald_clark on April 12, 2012, 03:08:01 PM ---That group of 4 work on the currently selected extension.
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the first 3 of these 4 items are perform the other functions
might be better to separate this item also from upper 3 items?
A couple of comments on the new apps gui
After chosing a mirror, it would be good if the chosen mirror was displayed somewhere (I think this was what was done previously)
After Apps -> Maintenance -> Check for Updates, highlighting an extension does not show its info file
After Apps -> Maintenance -> Check for Updates, if an extension download fails, the gui does not fail gracefully (i.e. timeout and post an error message)
..but looks very good
The mirror is shown at bottom of GUI, was moved from title bar.
The info file being shown has been corrected upon updates selection.
I will look into updates failing before rc2.
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