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Author Topic: looking for keychain or comparable alternative to help automate backups via cron  (Read 2403 times)

Offline redwolf

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I need something like keychain so I can download some backups via cron.

I saw gnome-keychain in the repository...but I'm not using gnome....not sure if that will work or not.

Offline gerald_clark

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Without going into more detail about your goals, it is difficult to give advice.
Why not just use scp with keys?

Offline redwolf

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Basically, I'm trying to automate downloading some backup files from a website that I manage. 

I am using keys, but I've set a password on the key per the security guidance I've read on the subject...so I'm still prompted to enter the password for the key.  From what I understand, keychain would handle the password request for me assuming I had authenticated before the cron job ran, which would allow it to be fully automated.

Code: [Select]
5 1 * * * 6      rsync -rShz --remove-source-files --ignore-existing  -e "ssh -i /home/tc/.ssh/webdev_dsa -p 2222" \
echoarts@direct.kidsartcubby.com:backups/* /mnt/dm-1/backups/artcubby
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 04:34:16 PM by redwolf »