Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
load additional tcz-packages or several onboot.lst-sets as a bootcode?
the actual possibilities of tinycore are so flexible and extensible, i'm a real fan of it.
is this following idea a feature-request for the wishlist or is it already possible?
there is the onboot.lst, but sometimes additionally packages are needed only once, so these seldom used packages should not be loaded every boot.
can additionally tcz-packages be loaded just once per bootcode?
is it possible to load per bootcode several onboot.lst in one bootcode f.e. lst=onboot_std.lst, onboot_multimedia.lst, onboot_security.lst for loading these three sets std, multimedia and security alltogether?
thank you for your replies, hints and help.
this possibility i saw only in porteus linux but not in tinycore
unfortunately in /usr/bin/tce-setup analyzes lst-bootcodes as follows
--- Code: ---for i in `cat /proc/cmdline`; do
case $i in
tce=*) TCE=${i#*=} ;;
lst=*) TARGETLIST=${i#*=} ;;
case $i in
cde) CDE=1 ;;
base) ONLYBASE=1 ;;
[ -n "$TARGETLIST" ] || TARGETLIST="onboot.lst"
--- End code ---
i.e. even if specify multiple lst-bootcodes but they will be processed only the last and only one lst-file
because the next operation with bootcode value this is read and load extensions in cycle from lst-file
This is something you can already do yourself. Make up your own boot code (LoadOnce= for example) and parse
/proc/cmdline for it as shown in the snippet above in your bootsync.sh or bootlocal.sh. Be sure to make up a
boot code that is not likely to exist.
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