General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial

Creating a more functional CLI-only Remix


Hey all, basically what I'd like to do is create a CLI-only remix, based off of CorePlus, but with all the GUI-stuff stripped out and either replaced with shell scripts that can be ran through midnight commander, or just plain omitted.  I also plan on compiling some additional extensions of my own, such as the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor, as well as some scripts that'd make it easier for me to do tech support with this image.  Eventually, I hope to have completed a small "server" VirtualBox VM, along with a "client" iso, which my customers can boot from and will automatically connect to the server.

Unfortunately, the wiki entry on remastering is a little vague; any suggestions on how I might strip all the GUI component and locale extensions from the CorePlus image?  Thanks!  :)

Core is command line only, nothing to strip.
You don't get GUI unless you install it.

So I should just start with the core image, and add to it all the wireless drivers, firmware, and cli-utils then?


--- Quote from: gerald_clark on March 22, 2012, 07:59:47 PM ---Core is command line only, nothing to strip.
You don't get GUI unless you install it.

--- End quote ---

That's right.


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