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Author Topic: Support for unionfs  (Read 13168 times)

Online Rich

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2012, 01:32:16 PM »
Hi V.Krishn
a. What is the minimal hardware support for tc 4.4 - Ram (48), Processor? - based on these any hardware that likely not to run properly on lesser configs can safely be rejected.
I have no idea what you are trying to say. Remove i386 support? It's already gone.
b. Built two Core/Tinycore(not CorePlus) - one with newer hardwares + more used modules and other with core-ohw.gz+core.gz(both) - (hope this can be done and its not a problem with depmod)
   eg. Core-4.4.iso - has core-ohw.gz+core.gz - this means there might be 1 to 2 mb increase in size.
       and Core-4.4n.iso - has core.gz - this might be 1 to 2 mb less in size.
 c. Based on core.gz(n) success, phase out modules gradually and mark them as old or less used.
An offer to more than double the amount of work required to put out and maintain releases, very generous of you.
d. Results ie. complains versus success from n releases can serve ground for next releases.
Yes, more people posting on the forums complaining would be most welcome.
e. Users can always switch to regular downloads.
Not sure what you are trying to say, but I'm guessing you mean other users, not you.
f. Someone will miss it regardless
Yes, someone else will miss support for their hardware, just not you.

TC is not a locked down personal development platform. It is a toolkit that supplies most users what they need to
boot into a console or GUI. It is then up to the user to install applications and modify the system to satisfy their needs.
What you are offering are not solutions, solutions address problems. What you are offering are your own personal
desires of how TC can be fixed to meet your own needs, regardless of the impact it might have on others.

I see you posted again, so:
Can someone point me to urls describing the intended usage, target audience and accepted forum topics for discussion.
The "Welcome" and "About" basically sum it up.

Offline V.Krishn

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2012, 01:47:27 PM »
How to decide the cutoff point? Someone will miss it regardless.
Need to know what this means?

I still miss the point, because separating older drivers would only benefit newer systems. Those newer systems are likely to have much more ram, so the 1mb saved is rarely critical.

Thought it was important to keep the size of the iso to minimal.
If that is not, why not have aufs.ko in core? (though not used by tc)

See original-modules-*.tcz. All of the modules from our build come to a total of 17mb?

Thanks, would check and download.
Sad, I have rsync for TC dated - 2011/08/25 22:13:20 original-modules-3.0.3-tinycore.tcz showing size as 4096

Online Rich

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2012, 01:59:46 PM »
Hi V.Krishn
Thought it was important to keep the size of the iso to minimal.
It is, but not by locking out users just because they are not running the latest hardware available.

Offline V.Krishn

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2012, 02:09:28 PM »
An offer to more than double the amount of work required to put out and maintain releases, very generous of you.

Then how about a web based custom builder.

Yes, more people posting on the forums complaining would be most welcome.

:-) - a learning - can be saved by having nice docs

The "Welcome" and "About" basically sum it up.
Needs more on targeted audience.

"The user has complete control over which applications and/or additional hardware to have supported,...."
Then why so much confusion on usage - and comments like "If you cannot accept the design...." OR "If you cannot appreciate or celebrate that which is unique...."
Should have just pointe to original-modules-*.tcz. (hoping this solves my problem)

Offline curaga

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2012, 02:25:29 PM »
Thought it was important to keep the size of the iso to minimal.
If that is not, why not have aufs.ko in core? (though not used by tc)

Everything in the base *is* used, if not, it's likely to be removed. If you take a look at the release notes, many of them mention something being removed from the core.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline V.Krishn

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2012, 02:58:48 PM »
See original-modules-*.tcz. All of the modules from our build come to a total of 17mb?

I am guessing aufs.ko to be in filesystems-3.0.21-tinycore.tcz?
http://aufs.sourceforge.net/ - says aufs3 is supported in 3.0x
Or do I need to compile?

Offline gerald_clark

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2012, 03:01:03 PM »
No need to guess.
If you look you will see it is not.

Online Rich

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2012, 03:10:04 PM »
Hi V.Krishn
An offer to more than double the amount of work required to put out and maintain releases, very generous of you.

Then how about a web based custom builder.
You are assuming that someone has enough free time and a desire to design, build, debug, and maintain said website.
:-) - a learning - can be saved by having nice docs
Half the time people have problems because they don't read the docs to begin with.
Needs more on targeted audience.
Fine, here's my interpretation:
Target Audience: Users who are looking for a minimal bootable system (GUI or console) providing basic functions like
                                keyboard, mouse, screen, drive accessibility, and wired network support (wireless with CorePlus).
                                Said users can then install sound and accelerated graphics support should they wish, plus any
                                available applications they require, possibly getting their hands dirty and learning a little about
                                Linux in the process. This distro is for users who want to set it up their way and understand that they
                                may have to do some of the work themselves.

Offline V.Krishn

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2012, 03:15:27 PM »
If you look you will see it is not.
Any possibility on getting from TC download site?

Offline V.Krishn

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2012, 03:21:28 PM »
Target Audience: Users who are looking for a minimal bootable system (GUI or console) providing basic functions like
                                keyboard, mouse, screen, drive accessibility, and wired network support (wireless with CorePlus).
                                Said users can then install sound and accelerated graphics support should they wish, plus any
                                available applications they require, possibly getting their hands dirty and learning a little about
                                Linux in the process. This distro is for users who want to set it up their way and understand that they
                                may have to do some of the work themselves.

Looks nice, just that its mixing intended usage and target audience together.
Similar text should be on on some doc page if aproved by TC Team.

Online Rich

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2012, 03:30:13 PM »
Hi V.Krishn
It tells you what to expect. If it does not match ones expectations, they are not in the target audience.

Offline V.Krishn

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2012, 03:42:17 PM »
Similar text should be on... some doc page.
Good if expectations are also there, can minimize valuable Admin/Moderator work

Offline V.Krishn

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2012, 12:52:14 AM »
You are assuming that someone has enough free time and a desire to design, build, debug, and maintain said website.
For frontend in php, I could give it try. The jpeg design inputs needs to provided though.

Offline hiro

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Re: Support for unionfs
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2012, 06:38:06 PM »
try gobolinux