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I am not intelligent enough to understand Core Plus
My current take on all this is that I need to get what RobertS write here
--- Quote ---NTFS did not get dropped!
Witness the ntfs extensions listed when using AppBrowser' Search ntfs
Use these to gain full access to NTFS drives after boot.
Also available is the initrd version ntfs-3g.gz here
Add this to your boot loader to have immediate full access to NTFS.
--- End quote ---
The solution should be in that text if one get what he writes which I most likely don't do.
Sure I downloaded that ntfs-3g.gz file but have no idea what to do when having it.
especially this part? "Add this to your boot loader to have immediate full access to NTFS."
But even if I do that that does not give me a GUI desktop?
But maybe would allow me to install using the code you gave?
I should write this on the prompt
tce-load -wi Xvesa Xlibs Xprogs wbar flwm_topside
Would be easier for me to download these Xvesa Xlibs Xprogs wbar flwm_topside
using puppy and place them in /cde/options/ then they are already available if the
ntfs-3g.gx get loaded and active?
The hint is absolutely correct. The idea of the ntfs-3g.gz is to unpack it directly from the boot loader to RAM so that Tiny Core can use the ntfs programs to rw mount a NT filesystem with your extensions, so basically what you could try is changing
--- Code: ---initrd (hd0,1)/boot/core.gz
--- End code ---
to something like
--- Code: ---initrd (hd0,1)/boot/core.gz,(hd0,1)/boot/ntfs-3g.gz
--- End code ---
or maybe
--- Code: ---initrd (hd0,1)/boot/core.gz,ntfs-3g.gz
--- End code ---
as I'm not sure grub4dos supports that loading of multiple initramfs' and of course put the ntfs-3g.gz file in the same place of core.gz! That should enable NTFS based tce folders. Now when you already have a tce folder on that specific NTFS hard drive and Tiny Core uses it (ls /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/), then you should run the tce-audit commands to "re-setup" the extensions for the current Tiny Core release. It doesn't mean, you will not have a desktop before doing so. Some features have to be corrected and replaced in the extensions like Xvesa.tcz or Xprogs.tcz and that's what audit is for. But however, if you're switching from tinycore.gz to core.gz you will have to tce-load the mentioned extensions to get a desktop because they weren't needed before!
Yes maybe I use wrong code there.
I am booted in coreplus now using your tce-load code so thanks indeed for that one.
I already had all or most of these in the /cde/optional already but had no know how
to make them be used. Now I have added firefox but all of this only exists in RAM now
because it says that sda2 can not be written to.
So most likely I have to activate the ntfs-3g.gz in some way.
Maybe use app browser to download it and install it in ram and
that maybe will allow me to make a backup and restore at least
so I can boot up to a working desktop without having to wait for the
tce-load all these files and firefox again.
So how do I activate ntfs now?
Well, your boot loader config says you have the core.gz on your system hard disk on partition 1 in the boot/ folder. You have to put the ntfs-3g.gz file there as well and change the boot loader config file as mentioned. It doesn't matter what extensions you load when you have booted - the problem is, that you really need ntfs-3g.gz and not any extension. NTFS access must be possible prior accessing the tce/ folder somewhere on your disk. If that's not the case, Tiny Core will only load core.gz and no extensions (regardless if you downloaded them to sda1 or sda2 or not).
Thanks, yes it says that TCE Fatal error when I try to dowload the ntfs-3g.gz using
app browser refuse to start it. So which of all these examples is most likely to work then ?
okay I will try all of them.
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