Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Core v4.4

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Using 'I' or 'i' in AppBrowser search ImageMagick.tcz, ImageMagick-doc.tcz, ImageMagick-dev.tcz doesn't appear on the hit list, but it is listed w/o filter.

The search data is updated nightly, IIRC.


--- Quote from: curaga on March 19, 2012, 12:14:39 PM ---The search data is updated nightly, IIRC.

--- End quote ---

ImageMagick is in the repo since 2010 or something like that. Don't think issue is related to the frequency of update but the update itself.


--- Quote from: solorin on March 19, 2012, 09:42:31 AM ---... OSS installs OK but complains: depmod: ./kernel.tclocal: No such file or directory.

Is it something I should be concerned about? ...

--- End quote ---

The error message is a consequence of the fact that the 'OSS-modules-3.0.21-tinycore.tcz' extension "violates" the convention to have additional kernel modules in "/usr/local/lib/modules/$( uname -r)/kernel" (as it uses "/lib/modules/$( uname -r)/kernel" instead.

Now, 'kernel.tclocal' is a symbolic link in "/lib/modules/$( uname -r)" to "/usr/local/lib/modules/$( uname -r)/kernel". AFAIK this latter directory did exists in the initrd in the past, but this doesn't seem to be the case any more. Therefore the symbolic link points to a non existing directory, which causes the warning message. In my assessment this should not cause any problem, and any "non-violating" extension containing kernel modules will create this missing directory (and hence no further warning message should show up).

I had mentioned this "violation" in an earlier post, but I would not call it a "hanging offence". Nevertheless of the two obvious options to avoid this error message (i.e "fix" the OSS kernel module extensions, or add the directory again to the initrd) my vote would be for the former as it would be IMHO the "cleaner" way instead of the latter (which has the appeal to be the possibly easier one).

It would mean having to modify the scripts and possibly apps, and keep up those modifications for new OSS versions. Not something I would like to carry just for moving the module directory.


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