I need a bit of a pointer to get me on the way please:
I have an old laptop without a HD. The only way to boot it is from a CD and it does so nicely using Tiny Core Plus 4.3
1. For storage, I want to use a PCMCIA to SD card adapter. After booting from CD, I can mount it as sda1, but during boot it is not seen by tiny core so that I always get a pristine system without any extensions. Obviously, I could re-master the CD with a mount point inserted. But given the quick update cycles of TC, I do not want to do that every time a new version comes out. I would rather use the CD or the ISO just as it comes.
I don't mind entering a boot code manually everytime I start the machine, but cannot find one that does what I want. I tried tce=sda1 but get a "No such directory". I assume this is because sda1 needs to be mounted first.
Different problem:
2. All the window manager options on Core Plus state "Boot not removable" and when I call up certain modules, the CD is often accessed again. How can I load the whole system into RAM so that the CD is no longer needed? This would be a huge advantage for battery life.
Sorry if this has been answered before. I found a few threads that came close but none that gave me a solution.
Many thanks!