Update on the aterm/lxterm problem:
I have added two fixes to address the problems described above, both are in the development tarball (URL
as above), on top of 0.7.4.
The F1..F4 keys on aterm produce different sequences than advertised by the rxvt terminfo entry, it produces
the vt100 PF1..4 \EOP..\EOS key sequences. Due to the mismatch, the key sequences are sent uninterpreted,
so that the F1..F4 keys are not recognized (htop has the same problem, mc works around this).
The solution to tackle this problem is to catch those escape sequences and to re-interpret them as F1..F4 keys.
It was tested to work with aterm, it may also work with similar terminals.
For the other problem of terminals that remap F1..10 there is a second fix: each screen now additionally
has a shortcut corresponding to the first letter of the screen name
(F1 -> 'i', F2 -> 'l', F3 -> 's', F7 -> 'p', F8 -> 'h', F9 -> 'a', F10 -> 'q').
It is probably too early to do another stable release, since this only has two new patches on top of 0.7.4, would it
be possible to test the above update -- I believe it addresses the described problems.