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Author Topic: Squeeze dependancy broken  (Read 1591 times)

Offline kelden

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Squeeze dependancy broken
« on: March 04, 2012, 04:06:07 PM »
Squeeze.tcz is missing dependancies on tcl 4.3. The following files are missing after installing squeeze.tcz:
  • libthunar-vfs-1.so.2
  • libexo-hal-0.3.so.0

libthunar-vfs-1.so.2 can be found in thunar-vfs.tcz. libexo-hal-0.3.so.0 is not available in a package as far as I can tell. It seems like it should be in exo.tcz, but it is not. Xfce in general seems to be broken, so this is not surprising.