Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

minefield xchat

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--- Quote ---I see Plug and Play Aware O/S in a lot of old bios.  Is TC?
--- End quote ---
Linux in general is a plug-and-play OS, instead of plug-and-pray ;)

If that option is off, the bios initializes all devices -> longer boot, but may improve ISA cards in linux
If on -> bios part of boot faster, no devices initialized. Linux can usually initialize everything, but there are some weird chips that it can't handle yet.

Thanks curaga.
Jason W, no info file for xchat and others.  404 from site http://tinycorelinux.com/files/tce/xchat-2.8.6.tcel.info

Jason W:
Xchat and some of the -dev extensions were properly renamed to .tce rather than .tcel as they contain no shared libraries.  Until the info list in the repository refreshes itself ( it does so once a day I believe ) those extensions that were renamed are not visible on the site or accessable by the extension appbrowser.  It is there as


The TCE extensions will be dealt with first, then converted to TCZ and uploaded when that is done.  For the next few days or so there will be extensions that do not show up for a while during this process, but hopefully not many.

I have not tested them out on my AMD but they work on my main PC.  But they should be fine since they were built as i486.

xchat works now but I did still have to get gtk+ and openssl for it to work.  Im in #tinycorelinux now.


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