Hey robc
thanks for answering:)
yeah, about the tinycore.gz being mounted as a squashfs system
that's what I was talking about.
I was remastering pmagic, and it can go to ram or stay mounted on pmagic.sqfs
also, pmagic uses a initramfs.cpio.gz, which they renamed to initramfs
it's pretty cool how it works too.
so, if I made a tc remaster of tce's(in tinycore.gz), at boot they would consume alot of ram
OK, I believe Roberts may have discussed somewhere abount unionfs, aufs, etc
so I don't see it happening...
I was just curious if I could make a tc squashfs, or similar
noticed that you contributed the Sword?
you'll probably get a Crown for that you know?
good work
God Bless you