This suggestion may prove to be controversial, but I think it may be an improvement, so I thought I'd throw it out there.
"By default, bcrypt will compress input files before encryption, remove input files after they are processed (assuming they are processed successfully) and overwrite input files with random data to prevent data recovery."
"The default number of overwrites is 3."
However...there seems to be pretty strong evidence that 1 overwrite is enough, even when using MFM technology...and that the multiple pass idea arose out of misreadings of the 1996 Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid-State Memory published paper by Peter Gutmann.
If 1 overwrite is enough, surely that would result in a faster backup than 3 overwrites...even if only slightly so. It would also mean less wear on flash drives due to fewer writes with every backup.
This would be as simple as adding -s1 option to the bcrypt command in
KEY=$(cat /etc/sysconfig/bfe)
cat << EOD | sudo /usr/bin/bcrypt -c -s1 "$MOUNTPOINT"/"$FULLPATH"/$1 2>/dev/null
if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then failed; fi
References (This is dated 2002) (This is dated 2009)